College of Optometry


OPTOM 8010 Anatomy, Physiology and Disease Processes I: 5 semester hours

This course is the first in a two-semester course sequence that will detail the general anatomy of the human body along with the histology (microanatomy), physiology and disease processes of major organ systems. the course content will be presented in a modular format. Areas of discussion will include cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, reproductive, integumentary and peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. The laboratories will emphasize and augment important concepts introduced in the classroom environment.

OPTOM 8020 Basic and Clinical Optics I: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. The principles of geometrical optics as applied to refracting and reflecting surfaces, thin lenses, thick lenses, and lens systems. The optics of various ophthalmic instruments and techniques will be examined.

OPTOM 8030 Introduction to Optometry: 1 semester hour

An introduction to the profession of optometry, including a consideration of the characteristics of a profession, the behaviors and attitudes of a professional, the history of optometry, the profession's legal basis, the major optometric organizations and sources and types of information available to optometrists. One hour of lecture per week.

OPTOM 8040 Neuroanatomy: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of human central nervous system with a special emphasis on the cranial nerves, nuclei, and the visual system.

OPTOM 8050 Basic and Applied Immunology: 2 semester hours

This course will address the basic concepts of immunology including innate and adaptive immune responses. Mechanisms of hypersensitivity reactions and applications of immunology to ocular and systemic disease, transplantation, and treatment or prevention of cancer are included. Students must be concurrently enrolled in OPTOM 8010.

OPTOM 8060 Biochemistry: 2 semester hours

Basic concepts of general and cellular biochemistry. Study of nomenclature, structure, and reactions of organic molecules. Some emphasis on visual system - tears, intraocular fluids, lens, and photochemistry.

OPTOM 8080 Clinical Optometry I: 2 semester hours

Introduction to ocular assessment including case history and entrance examination procedures and theory.

OPTOM 8090 Case Based Discovery for the Developing Clinician: 1 semester hour

Students acquire curricular competencies appropriate for the professional year in which they are enrolled via in depth individual and group discovery via case based presentations. The experience will provide students the opportunity to assimilate and recognize the relationships among diverse topics emphasized within the optometric curriculum. Participants work in groups of no more than 10.

OPTOM 8110 Anatomy, Physiology and Disease Processes II: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8010, OPTOM 8060. Continuation of OPTOM 8010 Anatomy, Physiology and Disease Processes I.

OPTOM 8120 Basic and Clinical Optics II: 5 semester hours

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8020. Radiometry and photometry, polarization, scattering, emmetropia, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, models of experimental myopia, accommodation, diffraction, retinal image size, entoptic phenomena, aberrations, lasers and the eye, apertures, and optical instruments.

OPTOM 8160 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye: 5 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8040, OPTOM 8010 or consent of instructor. Vegetative anatomy and physiology of the eye, optic nerve, orbit, and adnexa will be discussed. This includes discussion of embryology and the dynamics of ocular fluids. Four lecture hours and a two-hour laboratory per week.

OPTOM 8180 Clinical Optometry II: 5 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8080. Continuation of Clinical Optometry I. Patient care instruction including entrance examination procedures, refraction, ophthalmoscopy and biomicroscopy.

OPTOM 8190 Introduction to Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8090. Introduction to clinical diagnostic reasoning by individual and group case-based learning. Scenarios give students an understanding of the relationship between basic and clinical sciences and provide an introduction to established best practices.

OPTOM 8220 Ophthalmic Optics: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8120. Ophthalmic materials, physical characteristics of lenses and frames, paraxial optics of ophthalmic lenses, ophthalmic prisms, lens specifications, special lenses, multifocal lenses, unique designs, aniseikonic lenses, aberration theory and its application to lens design, lenses for low vision, protective eyewear.

OPTOM 8230 Interpersonal Communications: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8030. This course covers the principles of human interpersonal relationships. The enhancement of listening and verbal skills will be provided. Emphasis will be on preparing the student to understand and manage the many human interpersonal relationships necessary in the practice of optometry.

OPTOM 8240 Ocular Motility: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8040 or consent of instructor. The anatomy, physiology, neurology, measurement, characteristic, and control of the intra- and extraocular system.

OPTOM 8250 Monocular Sensory Processes: 4 semester hours

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8160 or consent of instructor. Monocular sensory processes of vision: phototransduction, visual neurophysiology, spatial and temporal vision, acuity, light adaptation and discrimination, color, motion, objects and attention. Sensory processes are considered from both the psychophysical aspects and neurophysiological bases, including the changes during development, adulthood and aging. Four hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.

OPTOM 8260 General and Ocular Pharmacology: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8110, OPTOM 8160, OPTOM 8080, OPTOM 8180. This course establishes an understanding of both systemic and ocular pharmacology focusing on mechanisms of action, drug interactions within the body, and drug interactions with other medications. Attention is given to clinical cases relevant to optometric practice and a broad overview of general and ocular pharmacology as a whole.

OPTOM 8280 Clinical Optometry III: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8080 and OPTOM 8180. Continuation of clinical optometry. Patient care in the areas of refraction, binocular integration, perimetry, and biomicroscopy.

OPTOM 8320 Ophthalmic Dispensing: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8220. Clinical experience in verification and dispensing of opthalmic materials.

OPTOM 8340 Binocular Vision and Space Perception: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8240, OPTOM 8280 and OPTOM 8250 or consent of instructor. Binocular vision and space perception. Visual direction, theory of correspondence, fusion, rivalry, ocular dominance, and stereopsis. Developmental aspects and neurophysiological mechanisms.

OPTOM 8370 Foundations of Ocular and Systemic Disease and Management I: 5 semester hours

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8260. The first in the series of courses that address diseases of the eye, clinical diagnoses, and optometric and medical management of ocular and systemic disease. The laboratories emphasize diagnostic techniques and treatment skills, preparation for the initial clinic privileging examination and augment important concepts introduced in the classroom environment.

OPTOM 8380 Clinical Optometry IV: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8280. Continuation of Clinical Optometry III. Diagnosis, prognosis and management of visual problems. Emphasis on conducting comprehensive eye exams in preparation for the initial clinical privileging examination.

OPTOM 8390 Specialty Clinic Laboratory: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8280. Students acquire and practice skills for pediatric, binocular vision, low vision, and contact lens examinations. The course format is one 2-hour laboratory per week.

OPTOM 8391 Clinical Topics in Contact Lenses: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8280. This is the first in a series of 3 courses addressing contact lenses. The focus is on contact lens care and evaluation. The course format is one 50-minute lecture per week.

OPTOM 8392 Clinical Topics in Binocular Vision and Pediatric Optometry: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8240 and OPTOM 8280. This course presents clinical diagnostic and management skills for both pediatric patients and those with binocular vision anomalies. The course format is lecture.

OPTOM 8393 Clinical Topics in Low Vision: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8280. This course presents clinical diagnostic and management skills for patients with low vision. the course format is one 50-minute lecture per week.

OPTOM 8400 Directed Readings: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. Credit is given for independent literature review of a specific topic in any area of basic or clinical vision science guided by a full time faculty member with appropriate interests. Credit is awarded upon approval of a written paper regarding the selected topic. This elective may be repeated up to a total of 3 credit hours.

OPTOM 8410 Directed Research: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. Credit is given for independent research. Projects may be laboratory, library, or clinically based research in any area of vision science. Projects will be supervised by one or more full time faculty members. This elective may be repeated up to a total of 6 credit hours.

OPTOM 8450 Introduction to Primary Care Clinic: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites:OPTOM 8230, OPTOM 8320, OPTOM 8340, OPTOM 8370, OPTOM 8380, OPTOM 8390, OPTOM 8391, OPTOM 8392, OPTOM 8393, OPTOM 8560, and successful completion of the Clinical Proficiency Examination. The first in a series of adult primary care courses. Students perform comprehensive examinations, make diagnoses, and develop management plans with patient education under supervision of a faculty attending. Students participate in accompanying clinic seminar discussion groups.

OPTOM 8460 Foundations of Ocular and Systemic Disease and Management III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8370. The third course in the foundation series that addresses ocular and systemic diseases and their management. The laboratories will emphasize and augment important concepts introduced in the classroom environment.

OPTOM 8480 Pharmaceutical Management in Patient Care: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8260; OPTOM 8370; OPTOM 8460. This course will discuss the clinician's responsibility in the treatment and management of ocular conditions and systemic complications of pharmaceutical use. Principles of ocular pharmacology in regards to specific management and treatment of ocular disease, trauma, and surgery by systemic, local, and topical therapy. In addition, simulated case studies are used to illustrate the basic and subtle clinical aspects of treating patients using pharmaceutical agents.

OPTOM 8500 Primary Care Clinic I: 6 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8450. Continuation of Introduction to Primary Care Clinic. Weekly clinic seminar will supplement clinical experience with discussion of medical billing and coding, pharmacology, and patient case discussion and review.

OPTOM 8520 Contact Lenses I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8380 and OPTOM 8391. Historical development of the contact lens and its use. Basic lens terminology, specifications, physiochemical characteristics, optics, fabrication, and verification. Preliminary patient evaluation, indications and contraindications for contact lenses. Basic fitting philosophies for all lens types. Lens care and patient education. Patient and practice management considerations.

OPTOM 8540 Diagnosis and Management of Binocular Vision Anomalies: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8340, OPTOM 8380 and OPTOM 8392 or consent of instructor. The etiology, epidemiology, symptoms, signs, and course sequelae of the obstacles to binocular vision-sensory, integrative, and motor. The detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and orthoptic treatment of such anomalies. Clinical care of aniseikonias.

OPTOM 8550 Low Vision: 2 semester hours

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8380 and OPTOM 8393. The etiology, epidemiology, symptoms, signs, course, and sequelae of low vision problems. Methods of testing, prognosis, selection of therapy, design of environmental and optical aids, problems of rehabilitation. Agencies, laws, public and social assistance for the partially sighted and blind. The course format is lecture and 1 two-hour laboratory per week.

OPTOM 8560 Epidemiology and Public Health: 3 semester hours

The essentials of epidemiological study procedures and a discussion of the epidemiology of vision disorders are discussed. The course reviews descriptive statistics, probability sampling, correlation, and prediction. The public health component includes a review of local, state, and federal organizations involved in health care, comprehensive health planning, new trends in health care delivery, and the assessment of the quality of health care delivery.

OPTOM 8570 Advanced Topics in Ocular and Systemic Disease and Management: 5 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8370. The third semester of a comprehensive, systems based course sequence. Advanced topics in diagnoses as well as optometric and medical management of ocular and systemic disease will be discussed.

OPTOM 8600 Primary Care Clinic II: 6 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8500, OPTOM 8520, OPTOM 8540, OPTOM 8550, OPTOM 8570, and OPTOM 8650. The final course in the adult primary care sequence. Students examine and care for patients under supervision of a faculty attending. Students are expected to function nearly independently in final preparation for the Externship Program.

OPTOM 8615 Applied Basic Science Review: 1 semester hour

The course focuses on a review of important basic science concepts presented during the first two and one half years of the program curriculum. Technology will be used to gauge student knowledge and adjust topics of curricular review. This course is given during the first half of the semester for two hours each week.

OPTOM 8620 Contact Lenses II: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8520. Advanced contact lens fitting, theories, and clinical methods for astigmatic, presbyopic, keratoconic, and aphakic designs. Special considerations include the use of corneal topography, orthokeratology, disposable lenses, lenses for extended wear and lenses for color deficiencies. The course format is one lecture per week.

OPTOM 8630 Practice Management I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8030 and OPTOM 8230. The development and management of an optometric practice from a patient and community service point of view - office design, office routine, patient care administration, personnel management, recall systems and the establishment, development and management of an optometric practice from a business point of view - legal developments, governmental regulations, legislation and the legislative process, malpractice, professional ethics, taxes, fee structures, insurance and accounting methods.

OPTOM 8640 Pediatric Optometry and Visual Perception: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8380 and OPTOM 8540. Special examination and management considerations of the pediatric patient. Psychological, physiological, social, and demographic aspects of early visual development. Discussion of the optometric considerations of children with learning and reading disabilities. The course format is two lecture/discussions per week.

OPTOM 8645 Neurologic Disorders of the Eye and Visual System: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8570. Diagnosis, management and treatment of selected neurologic disorders of the eye and visual system. Emphasis is on diagnostic imaging of the visual system, diagnosis of central and peripheral disorders of eye movements, space occupying lesions, acquired brain injury, and optic nerve disease.

OPTOM 8650 Geriatric Optometry: 2 semester hours

Prerequisite: OPTOM 8380. Special examination and management considerations of the geriatric patient will be discussed. Psychological, physiological, social, and demographic aspects of aging, as well as ocular changes associated with the aging process will be taught.

OPTOM 8660 Contact Lens Specialty Clinic: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8391. The clinical examination and care of patients in the optometric specialty area of contact lenses.

OPTOM 8670 Comprehensive Case Review and analysis: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Enrollment in OPTOM 8500 or OPTOM 8600. Discussion of the diagnosis and management of common clinic patient encounters via Socratic teaching techniques. Interns are encouraged to present actual cases which have been particularly challenging for them. The course format is a weekly seminar.

OPTOM 8680 Ophthalmic Lasers and Advanced Procedures: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8570. This course will review the principles and applications of lasers for the anterior segment. Topics will include the principles, physics, laser tissue interactions and safety concerns for ophthalmic lasers. The indications, contraindications and potential complications of lasers used for open angle glaucoma, closed angle glaucoma and posterior capsulotomy will be reviewed. In addition, the course will review epiluminescence microscopy, minor surgical procedures, suture techniques, office emergencies including anaphylaxis, chalazion management and radiofrequency surgery. An overview of the anatomy of eyelids, post-operative wound care, complications of surgical procedures, surgical instruments, asepsis and OSHA will be provided. The medicolegal aspects of anterior segment procedures will be discussed. Co-Management of patients who have corneal refractive surgery will also be covered.

OPTOM 8690 Pediatric/Binocular Vision Specialty Clinic: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: OPTOM 8392. The clinical examination and care of patients in the optometric specialty areas of binocular vision and pediatric vision.

OPTOM 8700 UM-St. Louis Pediatric/Binocular Vision Patient Care: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of patients in pediatric/binocular vision clinic at the University of Missouri-St. Louis Center for Eyecare. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation. This course must be taken in conjunction with OPTOM 8710 and OPTOM 8720.

OPTOM 8710 UM-St. Louis Contact Lens Patient Care: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework required Comprehensive clinical care in the contact lens clinic at the University of Missouri-St. Louis Center for Eyecare. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation. This course must be taken in conjunction with OPTOM 8700 and OPTOM 8720.

OPTOM 8720 UMSL Eye Health Management Patient Care: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second, and third year course work. Comprehensive clinical care in the eye health management clinic with ophthalmologists at the University of Missouri-St. Louis University Eye Center. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation. This course must be taken in conjunction with OPTOM 8700 and OPTOM 8710.

OPTOM 8730 Community Service Patient Care Rotation A: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of patients at St. Louis area community health centers. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8770 External Rotation in Clinical Care III: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second, and third year coursework. One of three external rotations that includes comprehensive clinical care of patients. The clinical care can occur at St. Louis area community health centers, affiliated University clinics, private optometry practices, or MD/OD practices. Patient encounters will be reflective of the clinical location and will include primary care optometry for all patient ages and demographics. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8780 External Rotation at VA or Hospital Based: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of primary care patients at external sites approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8790 External Rotation in Ocular Disease Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of patients with ocular disease at external sites approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8800 External Rotation in Pediatric/Binocular Vision Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of pediatric/binocular vision patients at an external site approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8810 External Rotation in Contact Lens Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of contact lens patients at an external site approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8811 External Rotation in Ophthalmic Surgical Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of Ophthalmic Surgical Patients at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8812 External Rotation in Geriatric Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of Geriatric Patients at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8813 External Rotation in Ophthalmic Sports Vision: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of Sports Vision Patients at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8814 External Rotation in Clinical Care I: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. One of three external rotations that includes comprehensive clinical care of patients. The clinical care can occur at St. Louis area community health centers, affiliated University clinics, private optometry practices, or MD/OD practices. Patient encounters will be reflective of the clinical location and will include primary care optometry for all patient ages and demographics. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8815 External Rotation in Pathology and Treatment: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care in pathology and treatment of patients at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8816 External Rotation in Ophthalmic Laser Treatment: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful Completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care in ophthalmic laser treatment of patients at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8817 External Rotation in Rehabilitative Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care in Rehabilitative Patient Care at an external site approved by the College of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8820 External Rotation in Low Vision Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of low vision patients at an external site approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8830 External Rotation in Clinical Care II: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second, and third year coursework. One of three external rotations that includes comprehensive clinical care of patients. The clinical care can occur at St. Louis area community health centers, affiliated University clinics, private optometry practices, or MD/OD practices. Patient encounters will be reflective of the clinical location and will include primary care optometry for all patient ages and demographics. This course fulfills one of the clinic courses required for graduation.

OPTOM 8840 External Supplementary Rotation in General Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second, and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of general population of optometric patients at external site approved by the School of Optometry's Externship Council.

OPTOM 8850 Supplementary Rotation in General Patient Care: 7 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first, second, and third year coursework. Comprehensive clinical care of general population of optometric patients at the UM-St. Louis Center for Eye Care, UM-St. Louis Optometric Center, or the UM-St. Louis East St. Louis Eye Center.

OPTOM 8870 Practice Management II: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first-, second- and third-year coursework. Further in-depth discussion in practice management.

OPTOM 8880 Practice Management III: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all first-, second- and third-year coursework. Presentation and discussion of interesting clinical patients. Additional clinical testing techniques and concepts. Further discussion of patient data analysis-the process of determining diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. Further discussions in the optometric specialties.

Keshia Elder
Dean and Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham; M.S. Vision Science, M.S. Instructional Design and Development, University of Alabama Birmingham

Carl J. Bassi
Professor and Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor, Director of Research
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California, Doeny Eye Institute

Julie Ott DeKinder
Clinical Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Director of Residency Programs
O.D., Northeastern State University; Residency, Cornea and Contact Lenses, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Vinita A. Henry
Clinical Professor and Associate Dean of Clinical Operations
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis; Residency, Cornea and Contact Lenses, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Thomas Landgraf
Clinical Professor
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry; Residency, Primary Care, Pennsylvania College of Optometry

Kathleen Boland
Associate Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Erin Brooks
Associate Clinical Professor and Grand Rounds Coordinator
O.D., M.S., University of Missouri - St. Louis

Aaron S. Franzel
Associate Clinical Professor, Coordinator of Pediatric Residency Program and Coordinator of Pupil Project
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Linda Marks
Associate Clinical Professor, Chief of Pediatrics/Binocular Vision and Coordinator of Screenings and Coordinator of Mobile Eye Clinic
O.D., Michigan College of Optometry; Residency, Pediatric Optometry, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Casey Peterson
Associate Clinical Professor and Chief of Primary Care, Coordinator of IEP
O.D., University of Missouri - St. Louis; Residency, Primary Care with emphasis in Ocular Disease at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry

Angel Novel Simmons
Associate Clinical Professor and Associate Dean of Student Services and Alumni Relations, Coordinator of Continuing Education
O.D., Univeristy of Missouri-St. Louis; Residency, Ocular Disease/Primary Care, Hudson Balley VA Health Care System, Montrose, NY

Patrick Stark
Associate Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Missouri - St. Louis; Residency, Family Practice and Ocular Disease at Northeastern State University Oklahoma College of Optometry

Linda Du
Assistant Clinical Professor and Director of Fourth Year Clinical Rotations
O.D., M.S., The Ohio State University College of Optometry; Residency, Primary Care Optometry/Ocular Disease at the Marion Beterans' Affairs Medical Center

Coral Dundon
Assistant Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis; Residency, Ocular Disease and Primary Care, Marion VA Medical Center

Emily Gum
Assistant Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry

Carl Kramer
Assistant Clinical Professor and Coordinator of Cornea and Contact Lens Residency
O.D., The University of Houston College of Optometry; Residency, Cornea and Contact Lens at the University of Missouri-St. Louis

Tareq Nabhan
Assistant Clinical Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

John Szewczyk
Assistant Clinical Professor
O.D., New England College of Optometry

Jessica Tu
Assistant Clinical Professor and Chief of Contact Lens Services, Coordinator of Urgent Care
O.D., American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry; Residency, Cornea and Contact Lens, Indiana University School of Optometry

Brian Brunig
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Sarah Sweeney Dohrman
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., Southern College of Optometry; Residency, Primary Eye Care and Vision Therapy

Jamal Fox
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry

Beth Henderson
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., The Ohio State University

Jeffrey Lant
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Paul Luong
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Brendan Mulqueeny
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry

Theresa Nguyen
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry; Residency, Primary Care/Ocular Disease, VA Fayetteville, AR

Emily Pike
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Mary Beth Rhomberg
On-Campus and Associate Adjunct Professor
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry; Residency, Family Practice

Amy Schaag
On-Campus and Assistant Adjunct Professor
OD, University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry

Meagan Anderson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Amjad Badwan
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Nova Southeastern University

Simran Brar
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Julie Bricker
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Kristen Buskirk
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Carmen Castellano
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Joseph Castellano
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Nicholas Castellano
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Alicia Chacon
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of the Incarnate Word Rosenberg School of Optometry

Mary Chivetta
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College ofOptometry

Candis Clark
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Shannon Cummings
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

James Cutler
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Brent Davidson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
M.D., Saint Louis University

Cheryl Davidson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Larry J. Davis
Off-Campus, Adjunct Faculty and Dean (Retired), Founders Professor of Optometry
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry; Residency, Contact Lens, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Michelle Dent
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University

Kyle Dohrman
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Brett Enyart
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University College of Optometry

Stephen Farris
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Brian Fisher
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Midwestern University Arizona College of Optometry

John Galanis
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
M.D., Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Angella Gentry
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Robert Goerss
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Melinda Gruszka
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Jessica Hanson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Midwestern University Arizona College of Optometry

Kevin Harris
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College ofOptometry

James Hoekel
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Jonathan Isgrig
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Jordan Jones
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Kamey Kapp
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Pacific University College of Optometry

Marla Kennard
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Deborah Kerber
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Sean Knaak
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Bryce Krehbiel
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Candice Law
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., New England College of Optometry

Jeffrey Leipholtz
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Katherine Lockwood
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Nova Southeastern University

Katie Loock
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Sarah Maxey
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Dusty McIver
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University

Brandon Menke
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
M.D., University of Iowa College of Medicine

Kristen Moyer
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., State University of New York

Ramya Natarajan
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Paula Newsome
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry

My-Chau Nguyen
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Kendra Null
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Sara Petska
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Elizabeth Phillips
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

David Pierce
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Thomas Porter
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Julia Pulliam
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Jennifer Qayum
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry

James Rieger
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Andrew Rixon
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry

Katherine Sanford
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Mollie Saxon
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Allison Schafers
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Kelly Scherer
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., New England College of Optometry

Justin Schweitzer
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Pacific University College of Optometry

Kelli Shaon
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Dalaram Shirazian
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Peter Simone
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
M.D., Ph.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine

Matthew Simpson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Megan Slate
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University

Tracey Strombeck
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Tony Stubits
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Amy Sullivan
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Jennifer Sutter
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Sara Taylor
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Scott Tomasino
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Christine Tran
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Nathan Tuttle
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Christina Twardowski
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Jennifer Vickers
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry

John Volosin
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University

Amy Waters
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Jeffrey L. Weaver
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry

Michael White
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Jim Williamson
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Southern College of Optometry

Savannah Winkel
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Julia Wolfe
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., Northeastern State University

Ryne Wood
Off-Campus and Adjunct Faculty
O.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Edward S. Bennett
Professor Emeritus
M.S.Ed., O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

Jerry L. Christensen
Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus
O.D., Ph.D., The Ohio State University

Carol K. Peck
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California-Los Angeles

Timothy A. Wingert
Professor Emeritus
O.D., Illinois College of Optometry

Raymond I. Myers
Clinical Professor Emeritus
O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry

William G. Bachman
Associate Professor Emeritus
M.S., O.D., University of Alabama Birmingham, Southern College of Optometry

Ralph P. Garzia
Associate Professor Emeritus
O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry; Residency, Pediatric Optometry, Pennsylvania College of Optometry

William F. Long
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., O.D., Michigan State University, Indiana University

W. Howard McAlister
Associate Professor Emeritus
M.A., M.P.H., O.D., Webster College, University of Illinois at the Health Sciences Center Chicago, The Ohio State University