Undergraduate Study
Undergraduate Study
This section describes academic policies and requirements for students enrolled as an undergraduate and University requirements for undergraduate academic programs.
Program Definitions
Major: A primary field of specialized study also referred to as a degree program or academic plan.
Minor: A secondary field of specialized study that does not lead to a degree. A minor will be noted on the transcript but not on the diploma.
Emphasis Area: A sub-area of specialized study within a major that has been formally approved. Emphasis areas are printed on students’ transcripts.
Track: An option or other portion of a major that may be required or optional. A separate designation is not made on the transcript or diploma for an option or track.
Certificate: A program of study that can be part of a degree program, may be completed in addition to a degree program, or may be stand-alone. MDHEWD officially approved certificates are listed on transcripts.
Campus Testing Centers
The Testing Center is administratively housed in the Center for Teaching and Learning. The Testing Center manages exams for students and faculty that are paper-based, online, and those requiring a variety of accommodations. Appointments are required for all exams. Institutional exams (e.g., Major Field Test, Math Placement, ACT Residual) are administered through the Testing Center, as well as various standardized exams. The Testing Center main office is located in JC Penney Room 93, with additional computer-based stations in JC Penney Room 94.
The University of Missouri has been directed by the Board of Curators to assess the outcomes of your university education. To this end, two types of assessment are required: A test of general educational development given to a sample of incoming freshmen and graduating seniors who represent the university; and a test or project, specified by the major department, given to graduating seniors.
For its continuous quality improvements, the University also conducts periodic surveys of student engagement. As alumni, graduates are encouraged to participate in assessment by completing questionnaires sent to them by the University or major department/college.
Credit Hours
All candidates for baccalaureate degrees must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours. At least 45 of these hours must be courses numbered 2000 or above (or comparable courses transferred). Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average overall, as well as in their area of specialization. Students seeking two degrees must meet all degree and residency requirements of each degree.
Academic Residence
Students must be in residence for at least 24 of the last 30 hours of graded credit (exclusive of courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis), except under unusual circumstances, to be decided by the dean.
General Education
Students must successfully complete the General Education requirements of the University, the school or college in which they are enrolled, and the specific requirements of their area of specialization. For more information about the University’s requirements go to the General Education Program section of the bulletin.
Math and English Proficiency Requirement
Students who have not satisfied the Math and English proficiency requirement by the end of their first semester at UMSL will receive an advising hold and must meet with an Academic Advisor to register in these gateway courses in order for the hold to be removed.
Junior-Level Writing
A Junior-Level writing course with a grade of C- or above is required for all undergraduate degrees. The following courses will meet the requirement:
ENGL 3090 | Turning the Kaleidoscope: How We Look at Texts | 3 |
ENGL 3100 | Junior-Level Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3110 | Junior-Level Writing for International Students | 3 |
ENGL 3120 | Business Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3130 | Technical Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3160 | Writing in the Sciences | 3 |
HONORS 3100 | Honors Advanced Composition: Writing The City | 3 |
HONORS 3120 | Honors Business Writing | 3 |
Cultural Diversity Requirement
To expand cultural awareness, students in some academic units may be required to complete a course that emphasizes Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Pacific aboriginal, Native American, or a comparable culture. Courses that satisfy this requirement involve substantial material independent of the cultures' interactions with European cultures. If a course focuses on one facet of a culture, it must treat the topic within the context of the culture as a whole. This requirement may be met by one of the following courses:
ANTHRO 1011 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (MOTR ANTH 201) | 3 |
ANTHRO 1019 | Introduction to Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 1021 | The Body in Culture | 3 |
ANTHRO 1025 | World Cultures | 3 |
ANTHRO 1033 | World Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 1034 | Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization | 3 |
ANTHRO 1091 | Introductory Topics in Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 1271 | Food and Drink: Anthropological Perspective | 3 |
ANTHRO 2104 | Medicine in Culture and History | 3 |
ANTHRO 2120 | Native Peoples of North America | 3 |
ANTHRO 2124 | Introduction to Contemporary African Cultures | 3 |
ANTHRO 2134 | Archaeology of The Inca, Aztec, and Maya | 3 |
ANTHRO 2191 | Special Topics in Non-Western Culture | 3 |
ANTHRO 2420 | Maiko, Maids, and Masako: Women in Japanese Cultural History | 3 |
ANTHRO 3218 | Visual and Material Culture of Japan | 3 |
ANTHRO 3235 | Women in Subsaharan Africa: A Contemporary Perspective | 3 |
ART HS 1120 | Global Art and Visual Culture (MOTR ARTS 101) | 3 |
ART HS 1150 | Introduction to the Art and Visual Cultures of Africa | 3 |
ART HS 1160 | Introduction to the Art and Visual Cultures of Asia | 3 |
FGN LANG 1200 | Languages and Identities | 3 |
FGN LANG 2100 | Languages and World View | 3 |
GEOG 2001 | Cultural Geography | 3 |
HIST 1007 | Introduction to African and African American Studies | 3 |
HIST 1041 | East Asian Civilization | 3 |
HIST 1043 | Topics in East Asian History and Culture | 3 |
HIST 1062 | Modern Africa: From Colonies to Nations | 3 |
HIST 2002 | Introduction to Latinx Studies | 3 |
HIST 2030 | U.S. Immigration: 1790 to the 21st Century | 3 |
HIST 2066 | Women and Gender in African History | 3 |
HIST 2068 | Aiding Africa | 3 |
HIST 2430 | Ghosts, Goblins, and Godzillas | 3 |
HIST 3065 | From Ivory to Oil: Mining and Extraction in African History | 3 |
HIST 3214 | Writing Systems of the World | 3 |
HONORS 1310 | Non-Western Traditions Series Humanities | 3 |
HONORS 1330 | Non-Western Traditions Series-Social Sciences | 3 |
HONORS 2310 | Cultural Diversity in the Humanities | 3 |
HONORS 2330 | Cultural Diversity in the Social Sciences | 3 |
INTDSC 1011 | Introduction to Disability Studies | 3 |
INTDSC 1012 | History of Disability | 3 |
JAPAN 1011 | Anime Nation: Popular Culture in Japan | 3 |
JAPAN 2191 | Special Topics in Japanese Culture | 3 |
JAPAN 3211 | Topics in Japanese Culture | 3 |
M H L T 1150 | Drumming Cultures of the World (MOTR MUSC 102) | 3 |
M H L T 1160 | Musical Journey through Latin America | 3 |
M H L T 1170 | Musical Journey through the Far East | 3 |
M H L T 1180 | Musical Journey Through Africa | 3 |
M H L T 1190 | Musical Journey of the Native North American | 3 |
PHIL 1120 | Asian Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 1125 | Islamic Philosophy | 3 |
POL SCI 1500 | Introduction to Comparative Politics (MOTR POSC 202) | 3 |
POL SCI 2530 | Political Systems of South America | 3 |
POL SCI 2540 | Political Systems of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean | 3 |
POL SCI 2580 | African Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 3810 | The Politics of the Middle East: International and National Dynamics | 3 |
SOC WK 4631 | Social Perspectives of Global Migration | 3 |
Cultural Diversity Requirement Effective Fall 2025
The cultural diversity requirement equips students with knowledge and academic tools to successfully navigate a global world community and diverse American communities. These courses examine cultures outside the United States or marginalized/underrepresented groups within the United States and help students appreciate important differences among cultures of all kinds to enrich the understanding of human interactions.
All undergraduate students are required to complete two courses:
- one that focuses on global populations and the cross-cultural experience
- one course that focuses on marginalized/underrepresented groups in the U.S.
Global Courses
ANTHRO 1021 | The Body in Culture | 3 |
ANTHRO 2104 | Medicine in Culture and History | 3 |
ANTHRO 2106 | Past, Present, and Future of Pandemics | 3 |
FRENCH 2101 | French Language and Culture III | 3 |
HIST 1034 | Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization | 3 |
HIST 2425 | Food and Drink in Japan: A Cultural History | 3 |
POL SCI 4810 | Human Rights | 3 |
U.S. Courses
HIST 2025 | U.S. Foreign Relations and Military History | 3 |
PSYCH 3850 | Multicultural Psychology and Mental Health | 3 |
Civics Exam Requirement
Per Senate Bill 807 (2018):
Any student entering a public institution of higher education for the first time after July 2019 who is pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from such institution shall successfully pass an examination on the provisions and principles of American civics with a score of seventy percent or greater as a condition of graduation from such institution. The examination shall be known as the “Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination (MHECAE).
To better assist students and confirm graduation eligibility, it is required that students notify their academic unit of their intended graduation date by officially applying to graduate through the self-service student center in MyView. Step by step instructions can be found here:
This will allow the advisors to begin the degree check process and approve the student for graduation.
- The application for graduation process initiates the degree-check process.
- It is recommended that students complete the application for graduation one year in advance to ensure all requirements will be met. (Note: certain colleges may require the one year prior completion date – check with your advisor to be sure). The application for graduation process should be completed based on college specific deadlines.
- In order to graduate in any given semester, students must apply prior to the deadline for that semester:
- Fall term: October 1
- Spring term: March 1
- Summer term June 15
- The process to apply will be cut off at that time and if the student has not yet completed the steps to apply for graduation, the diploma will then be awarded the following semester. (In extreme circumstances, a student may appeal their case to the dean’s office if the deadlines have passed).
Changes to anticipated graduation date
- Students who need to alter their graduation plans must notify their academic unit and re-submit the application for graduation process through self-service on MyView.
- The semester and other information listed when re-submitting the new application for graduation process will be used to replace the information previously submitted.
- All deadlines for the new semester of graduation apply to applicants who are altering their semester of graduation.
Final Grades
To assure graduating at the end of a specific semester, all work for that semester and any delayed grades from previous semesters must be completed with the grades sent to the Office of the Registrar no later than the official date for submission of final semester grades.
Graduation, commencement, diplomas and honors
- Graduation refers to the process of completing a degree and takes place three times per year at UMSL: at the end of each Spring, Summer, and Fall semester.
- Commencement refers to the ceremony celebrating graduation and occurs twice per year at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. (Students graduating in summer may participate in either the following Fall ceremony or the prior Spring ceremony). Commencement is optional and participating in commencement does not mean that a student has graduated
- Diplomas are a ceremonial document indicating the degree a student earned. The transcript is the official academic record.
Declaring a Major
A student’s first major, or undeclared major status, is determined by his or her application for admission.
While applying, students are typically not certain about the requirements for a major at UMSL. Students are encouraged to explore majors through professors, advisors, the Career Center, and co-curricular activities during their first semester at UMSL.
Students who have not declared a major at 60 credit hours (junior status) will receive an advising hold and must declare a major with an academic unit before this hold is removed. Transfer students arriving at UMSL with 60 or more credit hours will receive an advising hold preventing them from registering for their second semester until they have declared a major. They can declare a major by following the procedures for a change of major outlined below.
Exploratory Pathways for Undeclared Major Status
Students who apply with Undeclared Major Status are required to choose an Exploratory Pathway. Exploratory Pathways are designed for students to explore different majors while maintaining a plan for graduation.
The following Exploratory Pathways are offered:
Business and Geopolitics
The Business and Geopolitics Pathway focuses on markets, trade, and political issues. Students will be exposed to majors that examine domestic and international economic developments, the role that corporations and politics play in global issues, as well as the impact of non-profit agencies to help bring assistance to those in need.
Creativity and Design
The Creativity and Design Pathway focuses on artistic and innovative perspectives. Students in this pathway tend to be self-starters who plan to create their own path towards a meaningful career in any number of occupations.
Education and Social Change
The Education and Social Change Pathway focuses on improving society at the grassroots-level. Students will be exposed to majors that prepare educators (both in and out of classroom settings), uncover social issues and assist those in need.
The Human Experience
The Human Experience Pathway focuses on components of human society and culture. Students will be exposed to majors that examine historical events and their impact on contemporary issues, study similarities and differences of people from other countries, and/or write creative stories or essays. Students in this pathway can expect to explore how to process and document aspects of being a person in the world today.
The Interconnected World
The Interconnected World Pathway focuses on global issues and concepts. Students will be exposed to majors that examine interconnections between countries and cultures that have developed due to international travel, trade, technological innovations.
Mathematics and Scientific Research
The Mathematics and Scientific Research Pathway exposes students to majors that examine natural sciences and prepare them for research in a variety of scientific fields. Students interested in health sciences may also consider this Pathway.
Technology and Innovation
The Technology and Innovation Pathway focuses on technology and the role it plays in society. Students will be exposed to majors that are directly associated with technology in a variety of capacities including research, application, and business. Those interested in these majors should also be prepared for an emphasis in mathematics.
Change of Major
To change academic majors, students should consult the advising office of the new major to determine their eligibility and which courses they have already completed apply toward the new major. Students must then follow the major change procedures as outlined by the registrar.
Course Schedules
The Schedule of Courses contains the specific courses offered each semester with their meeting times and locations. This schedule is available online.
Course schedules are generally published by mid-February for the fall semester, mid-September for the spring semester, and early December for the summer semester.
The university reserves the right to cancel without notice any course listed in the Bulletin or the Schedule of Courses for any semester or to withdraw any course that that does not have adequate enrollment.
Newly admitted/re-admitted students are eligible to register after the close of the pre-registration period for Fall and Spring semesters. All students enrolling in Summer semesters register during the same registration period. Enrollment dates, Semester Calendars, and courses offerings can be found online at the Registration website.
Registering for Classes: Currently Enrolled Students
Currently enrolled students are given the opportunity to preregister, by appointment, before new or returning students during Fall and Spring semesters. Pre-registration appointment times are sent to students’ university email and can also be found by logging into MyView.
Registering for Classes: Former Students
Former UMSL students who have not been enrolled for a year must submit a reenrollment application.
Priority Registration
Student athletes and military-connected students are eligible for priority registration and may enroll on the first day that registration begins. Military-connected students include veterans, those currently serving in the military, Reserves, or National Guard, and other students that are using a VA or DoD program to fund their education. Student athletes are members of any NCAA intercollegiate sport team at UMSL.
Registration Cancellation
Students who have enrolled but do not wish to attend the university may cancel their registration any time before the first day of the semester. Students must complete a withdrawal survey online. Cancellations may be processed at the Office of the Registrar.
Students may withdraw from school beginning the first day of classes. The refund schedule for withdrawals after class work begins can be found on the Cashier's Office website. Students who are withdrawing must complete a withdrawal survey. Withdrawals may be processed at the Office of the Registrar.
Prerequisites for a Course
Students are expected to review all courses when registering for them to assure that they meet all prerequisites. When the prerequisites include courses, a minimum grade of C- is required to meet the prerequisite. Only the department offering the course with the prerequisite can make an exception to this requirement. A course with an "academic standing" prerequisite--for example, "senior standing"-- requires that students have the class standing stated, in the example, only seniors can take that class.
Prior Learning Assessment
UMSL offers superior students options to enhance or accelerate their academic programs through credit by assessment. Students may earn college credit by demonstrating sufficient knowledge of proficiency in a certain area. The Registrar’s Office provides detailed information regarding the specific assessments accepted and scores required. Students may earn up to 30 semester hours of credit through the following options:
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) examinations may count for UMSL degree credit if the exams and scores are acceptable. (Note: UMSL awards credit for specific scores on certain Advanced Placement exams that are administered by the College Board, not simply for enrollment in advanced placement courses at the high school level. In order to receive AP credit, students must have official AP score reports sent to UMSL directly from the College Board. Credit cannot be determined from high school or previous college transcripts.)
International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations are tests taken as the culmination of a special high school study program. Several of the Higher Level exams count for credit if the score earned is a 5 or higher.
College Level Examination Program
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams are acceptable for credit in certain areas of study. UMSL accepts only the CLEP Subject Exams. Not all subjects are accepted. Credit is not given for any CLEP General examination. No CLEP Subject Exam may be taken in the final 30 hours of coursework leading to a degree.
Credit by Departmental Assessment
Credit by Departmental Assessment may be earned if a student has previous knowledge or proficiency in an area of study and arranges to complete a departmentally administered formal assessment. If a department chooses to offer credit by assessment, the department must provide an assessment that measures the same level of proficiency as is required to earn credit for enrollment in the course. Frequently this is the final exam for the course. Before taking a departmental assessment, students must register in the Registration and Records office and obtain a Credit by Departmental Assessment form.
Consult the Cashier's website for fee information when attempting credit by departmental assessment.
Eligibility for credit by departmental assessment requires:
- Enrollment at UMSL in the semester in which the assessment is administered
- No enrollment in the course that is the subject of the assessment during the last three terms.
- Achievement of a grade of C or above on the assessment in order to receive credit.
Course Load
A normal fulltime semester course load is 15 semester credit hours. Minimum fulltime enrollment is 12 hours each semester, fall, spring, and summer. Students who have demonstrated the ability to carry more than 18 hours may do so with the approval of their dean.
Adding Courses
Students may add courses during the first week of a sixteen-week semester. Students with specific academic holds may be required to obtain approval from their advisor to change their schedule. Students may not add courses without instructor approval after the first week of class of a sixteen-week semester, the first four days of class of an eight-week session, or the first three days of class of a four-week session. Students are responsible for any content or assignments missed if they add a course after it has already met.
Dropping Courses
Courses may be dropped in MyView, without faculty approval and without receiving a grade, through the fourth week of classes of a sixteen-week semester, the second week of classes of an eight-week session and the first week of classes of a four-week session. Students with specific academic holds may be required to obtain approval from their advisor to change their schedule. Semester and session calendars posted on the registrar’s website include specific deadline dates for dropping courses. Students who officially drop any of their classes may have fees reassessed and/or refunded based on the current fee reassessment schedule posted on the cashier’s website. Courses dropped during this period will not appear on transcripts.
From the 5th week to the end of the 8th week of a sixteen-week semester, students may continue to drop courses in MyView without instructor approval. A grade of “EX” (excused) will be issued on the transcript. Refer to the calendar posted on the registrar’s website for summer or winter session withdrawal deadlines. From the 9th week to the end of the 12th week dropping courses will require instructor approval. Students receiving approval to drop during this period will be issued either an EX, or “EX-F” (excused but failing) if the student was failing at the time of dropping. The EX and EX-F grades will be posted to transcripts, but neither one will be used in calculating the GPA. Students who wish to withdraw after the end of the 12th week must provide documentation of exigent circumstance and receive both the instructor’s permission and approval of the dean.
Dropping or withdrawing from a course may adversely impact scholarships, financial aid, and progress toward graduation. Students are strongly urged to discuss these possibilities with the financial aid office and their academic advisors before dropping or withdrawing.
Students registered in a course in which they fail to meet a minimal level of participation as deemed by the instructor will be issued a grade of “FN” (Failure, Non-participation). The FN grade indicates that the student is not regularly attending class or is making little or no attempts on assignments or activities and may be violating the terms of financial assistance. This grade is equivalent to an F for GPA calculations.
Section Changing
Section changing is normally completed during the first week of a regular semester, the first four days of an eight-week session and the first three days of a four-week session. Approvals may not be necessary during this time. However, after the first week of a regular semester, the first four days of an eight-week session, and the first three days of a four-week session, a section change form must be obtained from the department or dean's office. The signature of both instructors is required. The form is to be submitted to the Registration Office, 269 Millennium Student Center.
Withdrawing from the University after Classes Begin
Students are required to complete the necessary procedures to officially withdraw from the University including completing the withdrawal survey and the drop process for all classes in which they are enrolled. Students may withdraw without receiving grades, through the fourth week of classes of a sixteen-week semester, the second week of classes of an eight-week session and the first week of classes of a four-week session. Students who officially drop any of their classes may have fees reassessed and/or refunded based on the current fee reassessment schedule posted on the cashier’s website. Courses of students that withdraw during this period will not appear on transcripts.
From the 5th week to the end of the 8th week of a sixteen-week semester, students that withdraw from the university will be issued a grade of “EX” (excused) for each of their courses on the transcript. From the 9th week to the end of the 12th week withdrawal will require instructor approval for each course. Students receiving approval to withdraw during this period will be issued either an EX, or “EX-F” (excused but failing) if the student was failing at the time of dropping. The EX and EX-F grades will be posted to transcripts, but neither one will be used in calculating the GPA. Students who wish to withdraw after the end of the 12th week must provide documentation of exigent circumstance and receive both the instructor’s permission and approval of the dean.
Withdrawing from a course may adversely impact scholarships, financial aid, and progress toward graduation. Students are strongly urged to discuss these possibilities with the financial aid office and their academic advisors before withdrawing.
No partial credit is granted to students who withdraw from school during any semester or otherwise fail to complete the work required for full course credit. Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing from the university are issued an F or an FN grade. Both F and FN grades are counted in computing grade point averages. Fall, spring, and summer session calendars list specific withdrawal dates.
Repeating Courses.
Students may not repeat for grade point average or credit hour purposes courses in which grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, or C have been earned. Subsequent grades in such a course that is repeated will not be included in the GPA calculations. The course hours will be counted only once in calculating hours toward a degree.
Grade Modification
When the grade received in an initial attempt in an undergraduate course taken at UMSL, or any University of Missouri System institution, is a C-, D+, D, D-, F, or FN, the grade may be replaced in the calculation of the GPA by the grade received in a second or subsequent attempt of the same course at UMSL. All grades received in second and subsequent attempts will be included in GPA calculations. All attempts of a given course will appear on the official transcript with the grade(s) earned. The transcript will have an explanation that states that the GPA is calculated using all grades earned in a course except the initial attempt when a course has been repeated and grade modified.
Note: Grade modification is not automatic. After completing the second or subsequent attempt of the course to be modified, students must process the necessary paperwork with an academic adviser in the academic unit in which the student is currently enrolled.
The University of Missouri-St Louis will also honor undergraduate grade modifications completed on other University of Missouri campuses and officially transferred in. This will be effective for any transcripts received on or after July 1, 2020.
Academic Probation and Suspension
Students whose campus cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 will be placed on University Academic Probation. Notification of probationary status will be sent to students each fall and spring term from the Office of Academic Affairs. Students placed on academic probation are restricted to a maximum of 12 credits for the following semester and required to meet with an academic advisor. Students placed on academic probation may also be required to participate in programs designed to help them return to good academic standing. Students whose campus cumulative GPA falls under 2.0 after serving two semesters on probation (not necessarily consecutive) will be suspended from the university. Students should consult with their respective dean's office for additional information.
Students who earn a grade point average of 0.0 in their first semester at UMSL will be suspended.
Students who are suspended from the university are not eligible to enroll in courses or receive financial aid at UMSL for at least one full academic calendar year. Students suspended from one school or college within the university shall not be admitted to any other school or college until they are eligible for readmission to the university. In order for suspended students to be considered for readmission to the university they must successfully complete at least one semester at an accredited post-secondary institution.
Students are expected to attend class regularly, and, in accordance with the UMSL Bylaws, faculty may establish penalties for excessive absences. Students absent for more than three successive classes may be reported to the dean. Students should tell their dean's office of an extended absence. An absence known in advance should be reported to the instructors of courses that will be missed. Makeup of examinations or work missed is allowed at the instructor's discretion. Students excused from class for valid reasons by their deans shall be permitted, if possible, to make up work missed; the dean must have notified the instructor in writing.
Students may enroll as auditors in any course with the prior consent of the instructor and dean of the college in which the auditors desire to be registered. They may be dropped from the course when, in the judgment of the instructor and dean, their record justifies such action. Auditors are charged full fees and receive no academic credit.
Course Numbering
Each course bears a distinguishing number that identifies it within the department or academic unit and indicates, broadly, the expected level of students taking the course. To understand the course level, refer to the following guidelines:
Course Numbers
Courses that do not count toward the minimum requirements for any degree.
Lower Division:
Courses open to undergraduate students, primarily focused toward freshmen; courses count toward the minimum for given degrees.
Courses open to undergraduate students, primarily focused toward sophomores; courses count toward the minimum for given degrees
Upper Division:
Courses open to undergraduate students, primarily focused toward junior; courses count toward the minimum for given degrees.
Courses open to undergraduate and graduate students, primarily focused toward seniors; courses count toward the minimum for given undergraduate degrees; depending on the specific program, courses may count for a given graduate degree.
Graduate courses; also open to post-baccalaureate educator certification candidates and undergraduate seniors with permission from the Dean of the Graduate School. Courses count toward the minimum for given graduate degrees.
Graduate courses open to master’s degree and doctoral students. Courses count toward the minimum for given graduate degrees.
Graduate courses open to doctoral students and master’s degree students with special permission. Courses count toward the minimum for specific graduate degrees.
Courses open to optometry degree seeking students.
Credit Hours
The university credit unit is the semester hour, which represents a subject pursued one period weekly for one semester of approximately 16 weeks or for a total of approximately 16 periods for one term. Generally, a course valued at three semester hours meets for three periods weekly for one semester, a twocredit course two periods a week for a semester, and so on. Normally, the lecture or recitation period is 50 minutes long and the laboratory period one hour and 50 minutes.
The number of credit hours is listed as units in the online Schedule of Courses. If the credit is variable (to be determined in consultation with the instructor) it is shown by minimum and maximum units, such as Research 1 – 3 units. In the Bulletin, credit hours are included in parentheses after each course title e.g., Research (2-8).
Examinations may be given only at regular class meeting times or as designated by the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Instruction.
Final Examinations.
The period designated for final examinations is an important component of the academic term. It provides faculty with a final opportunity to evaluate student learning and attainment of course objectives. Faculty members are encouraged to meet with students during the final examination period.
A faculty member who gives an in-class final examination may give this examination only on the day and at the time designated in the official final examination schedule. A majority vote of the students to the contrary does not change this policy.
A student may submit a written request for a change in the scheduled time of the final examination for a limited number of documented hardship reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, being scheduled to take more than two examinations on the same day, illness, military obligations, and religious practices. Except for emergencies, this request should be presented directly to the instructor at least two weeks before classes conclude. If the request is denied, the student may request additional consideration from the chairperson/area coordinator/program director and, if denied, to the dean of the college sponsoring the course.
Repeating Courses.
Students may not repeat for grade point average or credit hour purposes courses in which grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, or C have been earned. Subsequent grades in such a course that is repeated will not be included in the GPA calculations. The course hours will be counted only once in calculating hours toward a degree.
Grading System
The grading system available to all faculty at UMSL consists of:
Letter Grade | Ranking |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
F | 0 |
FN | 0 |
EX | Excused |
EX-F | Excused but failing |
DL | Delayed |
FN | Failure/Non Participation |
Faculty have full discretion in using full-letter grades, plus/minus grades, or any combination of full-letter and plus/minus grades. The student’s grade point average is computed by dividing the total quality points (number of credit hours for a course, multiplied by the grade value received) by the number of hours taken (excluding grade modified hours). Students at UMSL may have three separate Grade Point Averages. The first is the Campus GPA, which is computed by dividing the quality points earned from the grades of each course taken through UMSL by the total course hours attempted at UMSL. Students who have attended any of the other three universities within the University of Missouri System will also have a System GPA, which is computed by dividing the quality points earned from every course taken from a campus within the UM System. In addition, transfer students from outside the UM System will also have a transfer GPA, which is computed from all courses the student has taken outside the UMSL campus or the UM System. It is calculated by dividing the quality points of all courses by the hours attempted.
Unless a specific request is made through the Registrar’s Office, the University of Missouri System does not distribute grade reports to students via postal mail. Final course grades can be obtained electronically by any of the following methods:
To access grades through the My Gateway system, students must know Single Sign On (SSO) ID and password, available through MyGateway.
Students may also view their grades on MyView, by following this path: Self Service > Student Center > Grade Tab under Academic History; select semester.
Students may request a printed copy of the grade report at no charge. Once requested, the grade report will be mailed to the official address of record. Requests may be made by mail, a University e-mail account, fax, or in person; contact information is available at the Registration website.
Delayed Grade
A student who is unable to complete course work at the end of any semester and who has, in the instructor’s judgment, sufficient reasons for not completing the work, (such as serious illness or circumstances beyond the student’s control), may with the approval of the instructor, be assigned a Delayed Grade, (DL). A Delayed Grade is appropriate only when enough work in the course has been completed for students to finish the remaining work without re-enrolling in the course, attending additional classes, and no additional instruction is required from the instructor. It is encouraged that the student completes the work as soon as possible, but if the Delayed Grade is not changed by the instructor, the Delayed Grade automatically becomes an F according to the timetable below. (Note: The dean may, in unusual circumstances, extend this time limitation).

Failure/Non participation
When students do not complete any graded assignments but do not officially withdraw from the course or the university, instructors may assign an FN. The F for Non-Participation cannot be changed to a grade and will be treated in GPA calculations as an F.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option
Undergraduate students may take up to 18 credit hours on a satisfactory/ unsatisfactory (S/U) grading basis. This includes courses taken as electives or those that satisfy general education requirements. Most courses required for a specific degree may not be taken on a satisfactory/ unsatisfactory basis. Academic departments may designate other courses within their jurisdiction that may not be taken under the option.
A satisfactory grade “S” is recorded when an instructor assigns the grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C-, and has no numerical value in computing students' cumulative grade point average; however, it does satisfy credit-hour-for graduation requirements. An unsatisfactory grade “U” is recorded when an instructor assigns the grades of D+, D, D-, or F. A course assigned a “U” grade will not satisfy credit hours for graduation. Grades will be recorded on transcripts as S or U
Students register for courses in the normal manner and may exercise the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option before the end of the first four weeks of a regular semester (or the first two weeks of a summer session). Requests for this option are made through the appropriate dean's office. Instructors are not informed of students taking courses on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis until submitting course grades.
Audit has no numerical value in computing students' cumulative grade point average, nor does it satisfy any credit-hour graduation requirements.
Grade Modification
When the grade received in an initial attempt in an undergraduate course taken at UMSL, or any University of Missouri System institution, is a C-, D+, D, D-, F, or FN, the grade may be replaced in the calculation of the GPA by the grade received in a second or subsequent attempt of the same course at UMSL. All grades received in second and subsequent attempts will be included in GPA calculations. All attempts of a given course will appear on the official transcript with the grade(s) earned. The transcript will have an explanation that states that the GPA is calculated using all grades earned in a course except the initial attempt when a course has been repeated and grade modified.
Note: Grade modification is not automatic. After completing the second or subsequent attempt of the course to be modified, students must process the necessary paperwork with an academic adviser in the academic unit in which the student is currently enrolled.
The University of Missouri-St Louis will also honor undergraduate grade modifications completed on other University of Missouri campuses and officially transferred in. This will be effective for any transcripts received on or after July 1, 2020.
Academic Renewal
Academic Renewal allows all courses, credits, and grades during specific term(s) to be excluded from the GPA calculation. The courses will remain on the permanent academic record but the record will be annotated so that it is readily evident that no credits earned during those excluded terms, even if satisfactory, will apply towards units for graduation. If a course in a term requested for Academic Renewal resulted in a grade modification, the course’s original grade will be restored on the transcript. Students seeking their first degree who return to UMSL after an absence of at least 12 months may apply for Academic Renewal for semesters completed prior to their absence after re-admission and successful completion of 12 credit hours at a 2.0 GPA or better. Recipients of Academic Renewals are not eligible for Latin Honors or academic awards. Applications for Academic Renewal must be completed with an academic advisor and will require evidence of likelihood of future academic success to receive dean’s approval. A student may be granted Academic Renewal only once in their academic career at UMSL.
The implementation of this policy will follow the general procedures listed below. Students must apply for the renewal and demonstrate academic success in twelve credit hours before the renewal is granted.
Non-enrolled students:
- Students not enrolled will have to discuss Academic Renewal with an academic advisor and may apply for Academic Renewal in the dean’s office of the college of students’ major or College of Arts & Science for those undeclared.
- Students should follow normal procedures for re-admission. Students denied re-admission, but eligible for academic renewal, should discuss their case with an enrollment advisor.
- Students may be accepted for re-admission on probationary status.
- After earning 12 credit hours in their major or in required classes with at least a 2.0 GPA, students complete the Academic Renewal process by requesting approval of the dean or designee.
Enrolled students:
- Continuing students may initiate the Academic Renewal process by conferring with their advisor about the impact of the process on their graduation plans.
- Implications of Academic Renewal on financial aid should also be discussed with Financial Aid office staff.
- Should continuing students wish to pursue the Academic Renewal process, they may apply in the dean’s office of the college of students’ major or College of Arts & Science for those undeclared.
Dean's List
At the end of each semester the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Fine Arts and Communication, and College of Nursing send letters of commendation to undergraduates completing at least nine hours of graded courses with grade point averages of 3.2 or above for the semester. In addition, each college and school, on an annual basis, sends letters of commendation to parttime undergraduate students who have earned a 3.2 grade point average or above in at least nine but not more than 17 graded hours during the fall and spring semesters combined.
Degree with Distinction in Research, Scholarship or Creativity in the Arts
A degree with distinction in research, scholarship or creativity in the arts is an honor that recognizes a student for outstanding accomplishments in research and/or other creative endeavors. Students majoring in any undergraduate degree program that have obtained a minimum of 75 credits, have begun research, scholarship or creative endeavors of exceptional quality, have a minimum GPA of 3.5, and have a faculty mentor may apply for candidacy during their final year before graduation. Candidates must produce a novel body of work that includes publication-quality research data from which to generate a senior thesis or a body of artistic accomplishments that can be displayed and/or presented (exhibitions, recitals, software demonstrations, etc.) as part of an exhibition or performance. Candidates may use research or accomplishments obtained through Independent Research or Study courses, fellowships, internships, and voluntary work toward the degree with distinction. Candidates must present and successfully defend their body of original work, project, or senior thesis to a faculty review committee.
The faculty review committee will consist of the faculty mentor and at least two faculty members who work within a relevant field of study and are qualified to examine the candidate’s body of work. Mentors will identify at least two faculty members who are an appropriate fit and are willing to serve on the committee. These recommendations should be included on the application for candidacy. Interested students must submit an application for candidacy to their departmental chairperson or program director at least one semester before graduation, and the candidates must successfully defend or present their work no later than six weeks before the end of the semester in which they graduate. The specific criteria for achieving this distinction will be provided by each department or program.
Students awarded the Distinction designation will have such an acknowledgment placed on their transcript and their degree and will be so recognized at graduation.
Sequence for completion:
- Find an UMSL faculty mentor willing to guide or accommodate you through your specific creative works. For some disciplines, potential mentors may require students to enroll in independent research or independent studies courses.
- Begin or continue your research or creative works.
- Apply for candidacy once you have earned 75 credit hours.
- Fulfill the requirements for your discipline’s senior thesis (if required by your discipline).
- Maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- Defend your thesis or body of work and submit the Preliminary Approval for the Degree with Distinction form to your College Dean no later than 6 weeks prior to commencement.
- Graduate with a Degree With Distinction.
Latin Honors
To graduate with Latin honors, students must have attended UMSL for at least 56 graded hours and must meet the following qualifications based on the college in which a student's major is housed: a GPA in the top 3% for summa cum laude; a GPA in the next top 5% for magna cum laude; a GPA in the next top 12% for cum laude. Ranking of GPAs is based on a five-year rolling average of all GPAs for the College in which the student’s major is housed. Qualifying GPAs are determined each academic year based on a five-year rolling average of all GPAs for graduates of the college in which the student's major is housed. Specific Latin honors GPA cutoffs for each college are posted under "General Information" or "Undergraduate Study" in the Bulletin listing for that college. If a student has the necessary GPA at UMSL to qualify for Latin honors but has fewer than 56 graded hours at UMSL, all credit hours and the associated grades earned within the UM System will be included when the total credit hours earned in the UM System are at least 80 graded hours. In determining one's eligibility for Latin honors, all UM System graded hours will be considered, including the original grade in each grade-modified course. No Latin honor higher than that which is consistent with the UMSL grade point average will be awarded. All honors must be recommended by the student's major department. Students who have been found to have committed an act or acts of academic dishonesty as verified by Academic Affairs are not eligible for a Latin Honor.
Each College may add additional qualifications on the awarding of Latin Honors such as community service, capstone course completion (including approved relevant thesis), original research or scholarship, etc. Each College will submit their plans for the qualifications for Latin Honors to the appropriate shared governance body for approval before their plan becomes active.
Office of National Scholarship Information
The mission of the Office of National Scholarship Information (ONSI) at the University of Missouri-St Louis is to provide campus wide access to merit-based scholarship information and opportunities. The most well-known of these merit-based scholarships include the Rhodes, British Marshall, Goldwater, Udall, Truman, and Fulbright, although numerous other prestigious, and often unique, opportunities exist for outstanding students. For further information, contact the Honors College at (314) 516-5243.
Admission policies and procedures vary according to each applicant’s educational goals and prior educational experiences. This section contains information for First-Time Freshmen, Transfer Students, Returning UMSL Students, Visiting Students, Non-Degree Students, and UMSL Express for senior citizens. The Office of Admissions website contains links to applications for all categories of applicants.
At the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL), we are committed to providing a flexible and inclusive admissions process. UMSL is a test-optional institution for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, which means that we do not require standardized test scores (such as the ACT, SAT, BGCSE, or CAPE) for admission for Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. Applicants have the option to submit their test scores if they believe it will strengthen their application, but it is not mandatory.
We reserve the right to review your application with or without standardized test scores. Our holistic review process considers various factors, including academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, personal statements, and letters of recommendation. This approach ensures that we can evaluate each applicant’s potential and suitability for our academic community comprehensively and fairly.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for all students to demonstrate their abilities and achievements in the best possible light. Whether you choose to submit test scores or not, rest assured that your application will receive a thorough and fair evaluation.
Admission for First-Time Freshmen
The University of Missouri System has a uniform policy for admission of freshman students to its four campuses. The procedure for regular admission from high school is based on high school class rank, performance on a standardized college aptitude test, and required high school units.
Application Procedures
Students applying as first-time freshmen (i.e., students applying directly from high school) need to submit the following:
- A completed Undergraduate Application
- Application information available from the Office of Admissions website, by phone 314-516-5451, email admissions@umsl.edu, or in person (351 Millennium Student Center). Students may also apply using the Common Application. Search for "University of Missouri-St Louis".
- High School Transcript and Class Rank.
- A transcript must be sent directly from your high school to the UMSL Office of Admissions. The transcript should indicate class rank (for schools that rank), all coursework, and, when available, date of graduation. College aptitude test scores are required and may be submitted via this transcript or directly from the testing agency
- Students from Non-Ranking High Schools:
Students applying for Undergraduate Admission who attend high schools that do not rank will be evaluated on a combination of high school grade point average in the required core courses and standardized test scores.
- College Aptitude Test
- Freshman admission requires that a test score be submitted from one of the following:
- American College Testing Program (ACT):
The ACT is administered at many locations across the country. Information is available from http://www.actstudent.org/, or your high school counselor. The ACT School Code for UMSL is 2383. - Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT):
The SAT is administered at many locations across the country. Testing information is available on the Collegeboard website. The SAT School Code for UMSL is 6889.
- American College Testing Program (ACT):
- Freshman admission requires that a test score be submitted from one of the following:
When to Apply
Qualified applicants are admitted and notified by letter of their admission in the order that completed applications are received. Applications for the upcoming Fall semester are processed beginning September 1 on the basis of six or more high school semesters.
Admission Requirements
Any high school graduate may be admitted with evidence indicating he or she meets the following requirements:
At least 17 units of credit (One unit=one year in class) as follows:
- English: Four units. Two units emphasizing composition or writing skills. One of the remaining two units may be in speech or debate
- Mathematics: Four units (Algebra 1 and higher)
- Science: Three units not including general science, one of the three units must be a laboratory course
- Social Studies: Three units
- Fine Arts: One unit
- Foreign Language: Two units of a single foreign language
- Math and foreign language units may be accepted from middle/junior high school.
In addition to the 17-unit requirement, each applicant will be evaluated on high school rank and test score (ACT or SAT). Applicants with an ACT composite score of 24 or higher, SAT Total (CR+M) of 1090 or higher, or redesigned SAT of 1160 or higher, will be admitted without regard to class rank.
If the ACT Composite score is between 17 to 23, SAT Total (Critical Reading and Math scores) is between 820 to 1080, or the redesigned SAT Total is between 900 to 1150, the applicant must meet the following high school class rank requirement or core GPA to qualify for admission.
ACT | Combined SAT Reading & Math (Pre-March 2016) | Redesigned SAT (Post-March 2016) | High School Class Percentile Rank | Core GPA |
23 | 1050-1080 | 1130-1150 | 48 | 2.8 |
22 | 1020-1040 | 1100-1120 | 54 | 2.90 |
21 | 980-1010 | 1060-1090 | 62 | 3.05 |
20 | 940-970 | 1020-1050 | 69 | 3.20 |
19 | 900-930 | 980-1010 | 78 | 3.35 |
18 | 860-890 | 940-970 | 86 | 3.50 |
17 | 820-850 | 900-930 | 94 | 3.65 |
Students who are 24 or older applying for undergraduate admission as first-time college students are not required to provide standardized test scores for the purpose of admission.
Automatic Admission
Applicants who:
- Rank in the top 10% of the graduating class of a Missouri high school; and
- Complete the college preparatory curriculum, which includes at least 17 units of credit (four units each of English and math, three units of social studies, two units of a single foreign language, and one unit of fine art); and
- Submit an ACT/SAT score.
WILL be eligible for automatic admission to any campus of the University of Missouri. *Students with an ACT composite score under 18, a SAT total (CR+M) less than 860, or a redesigned SAT below 940, may be required to participate in the Triton Enrichment Experience Program.
Admission Appeals
Applicants who do not meet the minimum admissions criteria may still be admitted, depending on evidence of likely success and campus enrollment objectives.
Additional factors considered for admission may include:
- Completion of a rigorous college preparatory curriculum
- Evidence of hardship or unusual circumstances that hindered academic performance
- Significant work experience and/or family responsibilities
- Improvement over time in high school academic record.
Students who fall short of the admission criteria have the option to submit a letter of appeal to address one or more of the factors above. The appeal letter should be addressed to the Admissions Appeals Committee, and additional letters of support are encouraged from teachers, counselors, or principals.
For additional information regarding admission requirements, contact the Office of Admissions at 314-516-5451 or by e-mail at admissions@umsl.edu.
Upon graduation, applicants must submit a final high school transcript indicating their class rank (if available) and graduation date (sent directly from the high school). First-time freshmen are required to take the ALEKS placement assessment in mathematics.
Advanced Standing for Entering Freshmen
UMSL grants credit hours to entering freshmen who, through their performance on College Board Advanced Placement Tests and faculty-administered tests, demonstrate proficiency in certain college-level courses such as biology, chemistry, English, foreign languages, history, mathematics, political science, and physics. For further information and applications, contact College Board Placement AP Services by phone (888) 225-5427 or email apexams@info.collegeboard.org. The score-reporting institution code number for the University of Missouri-St. Louis is 6889. College Board will send the scores directly to the Director of Admissions.
Dual Credit
Accredited programs such as the Advanced Credit Program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis enable qualified high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credits while completing high school. Further information about the Advanced Credit Program may be obtained online or by calling 314-516-7005.
Dual High School/University Enrollment
Superior high school students may be admitted in a special student category to take one or more university courses on campus during their junior or senior years of high school or during the summers. Students must submit a dual enrollment application and a recommendation from the counselor or principal. Students are admitted on the evidence of academic excellence. Admission is limited and governed by available space, and students must meet the prerequisites for the course or courses selected. After reviewing the Dual Enrollment website, students or counselors may contact the College of Arts and Sciences at 314-516-5501 for more information.
College Level Examination Program
Applicants may earn advanced credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP offers subject examinations for credit in specific areas. These examinations can be taken any time, provided the student has not taken a college credit course in the test area. Consultation with an UMSL advisor is highly recommended before taking an exam. CLEP tests are given in the Campus Testing Center by appointment only. Contact the Campus Testing Center at 314-516-6396, in person in 93 JCP, or through their website.
Credit for Military Service
Credit may be allowed for service training programs conducted by the various Armed Forces branches. The American Council of Education’s recommendations in A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services generally serve as a basis for granting such credit. To count toward a degree, the credit granted must be appropriate to the student's curriculum.
For more information, please visit https://www.umsl.edu/veterans/admissions-checklist/index.html.
Student Recruitment
The purpose of this section is to clearly articulate the University of Missouri-St. Louis’ (UMSL) proactive adherence to the requirements of 34 C.F.R. 688 and the Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (The DoD MOU and DoDI 1322.25, Voluntary Education Programs, paragraph 1.c.(1)(b).
UMSL forbids the use unfair, deceptive, and abusive recruiting practices.
Further, in accordance with relevant laws, MOUs, and policies, UMSL bans inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than an insignificant amount to any individual or entity, or its agents including third-party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service Members or obtaining access to TA funds. [DoD MOU paragraph 3.j.(1)]
Bans the payment of any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) for Service Members to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. [DoD MOU paragraph 3.j.(2)]
Refrains from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing any enrollments, including Service Member enrollments. [DoD MOU paragraph 3.j.(3)]
Probationary Admission
It may be possible for applicants who do not meet the regular admission standards to be admitted on a trial basis. Applicants who do not meet minimum admission requirements can submit a letter of appeal to request probationary admission. The Admission Appeals Committee reviews each letter of appeal and makes decisions on a case-by-case basis.
High School Equivalency Applicants
Individuals may seek admission on the basis of passing the High School Equivalency (HiSET) test, formerly the General Education Development (GED) test, with a minimum HiSET score of 75 and a minimum of 15 in each of the five subsets; Language Arts-Reading, Language Arts-Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies or a GED score of 170 or higher in each subset if taken after January 1, 2014 (minimum 2500 for tests taken between January 1, 2002 and January 1, 2014; minimum score of 250 required for tests taken prior to January 1, 2002).
In addition, the following must be submitted:
- A completed Undergraduate Application
- ACT composite score of at least 24 or SAT Composite of at least 1090
- A high school transcript if ACT/SAT scores are included on the transcript.
Home-Schooled Students
UMSL welcomes home-schooled students. To be admitted for undergraduate admission, home-schooled applicants must present the following:
- A completed Undergraduate Application
- ACT Composite score of 17-23 or SAT Composite of 820-1090 or redesigned SAT of 900-1150
- A copy of course of study or transcript reflecting all coursework and grades earned, as well as a statement and date of graduation or completion.
Transfer Students
A student is considered for admission as a transfer student if they completed college credits after high school graduation. UMSL awards credit in transfer for undergraduate courses completed at colleges and universities accredited by regional accrediting associations recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE).
A transferring student who has completed fewer than 24 transferable credit hours must submit a final high school transcript and official transcripts from all college-level courses attempted at previous institutions that document at least a 2.3 cumulative GPA.
Students transferring from other colleges and universities with at least 24 transferable credit hours must submit the following information:
- A completed online Undergraduate Application
- Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended.
All credentials submitted for admission become the property of the University.
Suspended and Dismissed Transfer Students
It is the practice of the Office of Admissions at the University of Missouri-St. Louis to uphold any suspension or dismissal decision offered to a student from another institution. Students suspended will be required to sit out for one year from the date of suspension before enrolling in UMSL. In addition, students must still meet the minimum admission requirements of a 2.3 GPA. A student may need to attend another institution in order to increase his/her GPA. Students who have been dismissed from another institution may not enroll at the University.
Students who have been dismissed from a specific college or school within another institution will need to show proof that they are eligible to enroll and/or are back in good standing at the previous institution in order to enroll with UMSL.
Additionally, students who are suspended/dismissed from another UM institution shall not be admissible until after one year from the date of the suspension/dismissal. Even though a student is removed from suspension, the student must still meet the minimum admission requirements of a 2.3 GPA.
Missouri State Transfer Agreement
Although transfer students should be aware that requirements for degrees vary from institution to institution, some transferred credits may not apply to UMSL programs, UMSL has attempted to minimize the loss of credits by adhering to the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE) Articulation Agreement. The agreement outlines statewide undergraduate general education requirements that satisfy the general requirements for students transferring into UMSL and students transferring out of UMSL to other public universities in the state.
UMSL requires mathematics and writing proficiency beyond the general requirements in the CBHE Statement. Please refer to the General Education requirements for details.
Transfer Credit
The articulation agreement among public institutions within the state of Missouri governs transfer of credit to UMSL from colleges and universities within the state of Missouri. These guidelines also apply to students transferring to UMSL from schools located outside Missouri. Advanced standing in the form of credit hours may be allowed for work satisfactorily completed in another public or private college or university of recognized standing located in the state of Missouri, as long as the work satisfies the requirements of the student's major.
The transcript at each institution includes all courses attempted. Grades of D or better earned in college-level work at an accredited or approved institution of higher education will receive full credit when transferred to UMSL. The University, however, will treat all grades on courses attempted on the same basis as that of a UMSL student. For example, if a program requires a UMSL student to repeat a specified course having earned a D grade, a transfer student will also be required to repeat the same course if it carries a D grade.
To maximize transfer credits from community colleges, UMSL has transfer guides and articulation agreements with area colleges.
Transfer Course Equivalency
UMSL awards credit in transfer for undergraduate courses completed at colleges and universities accredited by regional accrediting associations recognized by the United States Department of Education. (USDE)
To be accepted, coursework must have been completed at an institution after it received accreditation or during the time it was granted candidacy status for accreditation from one of the USDE recognized accrediting associations.
In addition, transfer credit is:
- only approved for graduate credit from another institution if the graduate course was a) taken by a student with graduate standing and b) approved by the graduate director of the appropriate academic department at UMSL.
- only awarded for vocational-technical courses based on a transfer agreement or on a case-by-case basis.
- not awarded for remedial courses.
- generally not awarded for courses completed at institutions not accredited by regional accrediting associations unless approved by the head of an UMSL department through which similar courses are offered or by the Provost.
Should transfer students have any question about the transferability of courses, they should contact the appropriate Admission’s office prior to taking a course. International students should visit https://www.umsl.edu/global/admissions/transfercredit.html for information about transferring credit from institutions outside of the United States.
Advanced Standing
Advanced standing includes credit by examination, examination that may or may not appear on a transfer student’s transcripts, including College Board Advanced Placement (AP), the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). It also includes credit by portfolio review (Bachelor of Fine Arts only). These lower-division credits may not apply at the senior level. For examination credit, students should submit appropriate verification documents to the Office of Admissions before their first semester at UMSL. Students interested in the portfolio review should contact the Art Department. Early attention to these matters is essential to avoid unnecessary course work or repeats that can lead to loss of credit. If examinations are completed at a later date, verification documents should be submitted as soon as they are available.
Shortly after all official transcripts and other verifications are on file, students' previous academic records are evaluated to determine which courses are applicable, and students receive a written report of the results. Degree checks determining whether courses meet a specific degree requirement and whether courses are accepted as a part of the student's academic major are made in the office of the appropriate dean or advisor. Should there be any question concerning applicability of any courses, students should discuss this with that advisor.
Associate Degree Transfers from Community Colleges
A student admitted to the university and holding an associate degree (2.0 GPA or higher) applicable toward the baccalaureate degree will be accepted in junior standing. Students fulfilling the general education requirements outlined by the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education and certified by the sending institution will have met the lower division general education requirements at UMSL. Students with AA degrees from Missouri institutions that include a CBHE approved general education core may transfer more than 64 credit hours for lower division courses. Any additional lower division course credits above 64 credit hours must be applicable to the baccalaureate degree or must be a prerequisite for an upper division course in the major. However, this does not exempt the student from meeting specialized lower-division degree requirements of specific departments. Courses completed in the associate degree program are evaluated for application to specific degree requirements by the same criteria used for transfer students from other colleges and universities.
Transfers within the University of Missouri System
Students must be in good standing at another campus of the University of Missouri to be eligible for admission. Students not in good standing will not be admissible until after one year from the date of the suspension/dismissal. Students must meet the minimum admission requirements of a 2.3 GPA.
Any course that leads to an undergraduate degree or fulfills a general education requirement on any campus of the University of Missouri shall be accepted in transfer toward the same degree on any campus of the university offering that degree or toward the general education requirements.
When courses transferred from the UM system have no direct equivalent at UMSL, they will be transferred as elective credits at the same level as they are numbered and count toward the 120-credit hour minimum required for graduation as long as a passing grade was received and as long as they are numbered above 1000 (or above 100 for institutions using a three-digit system). All other credit hour and residency requirements still apply. Courses transferred without a direct equivalent course at UMSL will not count toward a major, minor, or certificate unless approved by the respective department or program.
Grades, including D and F grades, and honor points earned in courses from the University of Missouri system will also transfer and will be included in the cumulative grade point averages. Unresolved problems related to transferability of credit may be appealed to the office of the appropriate dean.
Students within the last 30 hours of graduation may take a limited number of courses at another campus in the UM system, provided the last 15 hours are taken at UMSL and the work is approved by their respective dean and department.
I-Transfer General Education Block
Students fulfilling the general education requirements outlined by the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) and certified by the sending institution will have met the lower division general education requirements at UMSL following the completion of the American History and Government course required by the state of Missouri. Courses listed under American History and Government will meet that requirement.
Metropolitan Rate
All undergraduate domestic students who live in the state of Illinois will pay the equivalent to the in-state rate. Undergraduate applications from students who live in Illinois are reviewed for eligibility automatically. No additional application is required.
Graduate applicants who are residents of the state of Illinois. will pay the equivalent to the in-state rate. No additional application is required.
For more information visit http://www.umsl.edu/admissions/costs/metro.html.
Midwest Student Exchange
The Midwest Student Exchange Program is an initiative designed by the Midwestern Higher Education Commission to increase interstate educational opportunities for students in its member states. The program enables residents of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin to enroll in the institutions and specified programs located outside their home state at reduced tuition levels. Contact Admissions for more information.
Gateway Scholarship Program
The Gateway Scholarship Program is available for students residing in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin who are new to UMSL. Under the program, students residing in these states will be eligible for the equivalent of in-state tuition rates.
Admission of International Students
Prospective international students living outside the United States and students currently in the United States on a visa should contact International Admissions for information about applying to the university. Applicants will be expected to supply official original secondary and college/university transcripts from all schools attended as well as other official original documents. International students must also pay a $40 application fee. International students whose native language is not English are required to submit scores from an internationally accepted standardized English proficiency examination before a decision is made on admission. For more information and a list of accepted exams, please visit the International Admissions website.
Since 1998, all students in F-1 and J-1 status have been required to purchase an insurance policy with coverage for illness and accidents, billed to the student’s UMSL account. For details contact:
Office of International Student and Scholar Services
362 Social Sciences Building
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
Phone: 314-516-5229
Email: intadmission@umsl.edu
* Students holding F, J and M visas are not eligible for Missouri in-state tuition. As of July 30, 2017 new rules as the changes may allow students on other visa types to be considered a Missouri resident for fee purposes. Please visit the Office of the Registrar website for more information.
Returning UMSL Students
Students wishing to return to the University will be required to complete a returning student application and provide official transcripts from other colleges and universities attended since last enrolled as a UMSL student. Students returning must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. Students who have below a 2.0 GPA from UMSL will be required to work with the Office of Student Retention Services.
Admission for Students Not Seeking an UMSL Degree
Visiting Students
A visiting student is one who has completed at least one semester at another institution and plans to return to that college or university after attending UMSL. To qualify as a visiting student, applicants must be an actively enrolled student at another college or university. Transcripts are not required for visiting students. At the end of the session, students must request that their grades be reported by transcript to their respective schools. Financial aid is not available for visiting students. No application fee is required.
Non-Degree-Seeking Students
A non-degree-seeking student is someone interested in taking classes but not wanting a degree from UMSL. Often these are students who have degrees but want to take additional undergraduate classes for personal or professional development. To become a non-degree-seeking student, applicants complete the application for admission and mark "non-degree-seeking." No application fee is required.
Students wishing to become degree-seeking must meet the minimum transfer student requirements of 24 transferable, college-credit hours at a 2.3 GPA. Students may not switch from non-degree to degree-seeking after the first four weeks of the semester.
Financial aid is not available for non-degree seeking students.
UMSL Express
UMSL Express provides Missouri’s senior citizens (65 and older) easy access to undergraduate courses without limit on an audit (not for credit) space-available basis. Graduate courses are not available through this program. Students are subject to: non-refundable $25 registration fee, a parking fee, and course-related fees. Former UMSL Express students who reapply for the program must again pay the registration fee. UMSL Express applicants may obtain a registration form on-line, in person at 269 Millennium Student Center, or by calling 314-516-5545. Students should complete and return the form with proof of age to the Office of the Registrar on the day before classes are scheduled to begin.