Child Advocacy Studies


CAST 1000 Introduction to Child Advocacy Studies: 3 semester hours

This survey course explores how child-serving systems have evolved, the functions they serve, and the roles they play in the lives of children and families. Key legislation, concepts, theories, and historical and contemporary approaches will be examined to highlight the types of advocacy relevant to children and the career paths associated with them. Students will examine skills needed for success as a child advocate, including collaboration and secondary traumatic stress prevention.

CAST 2100 Communication in Child Advocacy: 3 semester hours

This course introduces the concept of child advocacy communication. Students will use critical thinking to develop interpersonal and multidisciplinary communication skills necessary for success in the field. Students will demonstrate skills through verbal persuasion, team decision making, professional documentation, and oral discourse; with a specific focus on public speaking.

CAST 2275 The Ethics, Values, and Policy of Child Advocacy: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 1000. This course reviews the codes of ethics related to the field of Child Advocacy and allows students to explore the process of ethical decision making via case studies. Students will review the development of U.S. policies impacting the field, consider current policy and legislative needs, and learn methods of influencing legislative processes to enact policy. Students will engage in efforts to advocate on behalf of children with policy makers.

CAST 3290 Traumatic Stress in Childhood and Adolescence: 3 semester hours

Same as PSYCH 3290. Prerequisites: PSYCH 2270 (majors), PSYCH 2268, or approval from the instructor. Exploration of the impact of stressors experienced during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Integrates how theoretical frameworks, cultural considerations and policy implications apply to child development research and practice.

CAST 3295 Service Learning Projects in Child Advocacy: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 1000 and consent of instructor. This course is designed to acclimate students to child advocacy in an agency or community-based setting. Students volunteer in supervised social service agencies or with faculty on a supervised service project, to complete a minimum of 50 hours of service as defined by the site-based professional supervisor and/or the faculty member. Students also complete a series of didactic sessions with a goal of affirming their interest and personal fit with child advocacy-related work.

CAST 3650 Culture and Child Advocacy: 3 semester hours

This course will examine how history, cultural experiences, spirituality, and values impact the identity formation of children and youth. Special consideration will be given to the impact of historical trauma on youth and its implications for contemporary child-serving sectors. Primary sources will include indigenous and other underrepresented group writings.

CAST 3798 Foundations of Practice in Child Advocacy: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 3290/PSYCH 3290 (may be taken concurrently). This course focuses on building and applying key child advocacy skills through simulation and practice. Students will learn a range of skills in family engagement, basic interviewing, mandated reporting, minimal facts interviewing, and conducting safety and risk assessment. Mastery of skills will be demonstrated through practice exercises and problem-based learning simulations.

CAST 4398 Child Maltreatment: A Multidisciplinary Approach: 3 semester hours

Same as PSYCH 4398 and SOC WK 4398. Prerequisites: CAST 3798 (Majors/Certificates) or CAST 3290/PSYCH 3290 (Non-Majors/ Non-Certificates). This course, with its interdisciplinary emphasis, focuses on the systemic response to the primary domains of child maltreatment by multidisciplinary teams and child advocacy centers. Risk factors, cultural considerations, and mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect are emphasized. Students will begin to develop professional skills pertaining to child maltreatment, using a variety of experiential learning modalities.

CAST 4498 Forensic Investigation of Child Abuse: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 4398 or PSYCH 4398 or SOC WK 4398. This course is designed for students across multiple disciplines where knowledge of child abuse investigation and advocacy is necessary. It focuses on the investigative and prosecutorial responses of multidisciplinary team professionals involved with child abuse cases to expand the student's knowledge and skills about the most effective response to child abuse investigations. The course also includes critical thinking and competency-based skills training, such as conducting a cursory interview, participating in peer review, making case presentations, and producing investigative documentation.

CAST 4598 Child Abuse Assessment and Intervention: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 4398 or PSYCH 4398 or SOC WK 4398. This course provides students from a variety of disciplines with knowledge and skills to intervene effectively and empathically with families who may experience child abuse and neglect. It uses experiential learning to develop critical thinking and skills in trauma-focused screening, assessment, and crisis intervention for vulnerable children and their families who are involved with child serving systems, such as law enforcement, child protective services, prosecution, and physical and mental health.

CAST 4698 Internship in Child Advocacy Studies: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: CAST 4398 or PSYCH 4398 or SOC WK 4398, CAST 4498 (may be taken concurrently), CAST 4598 (may be taken concurrently), and approval of the CAST director. This course involves an internship in child or youth-serving setting and requires approval from the CAST director prior to enrolling. It must be taken concurrently with the CAST field education seminar (CAST 4700).

CAST 4700 Field Education Seminar in Child Advocacy Studies: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Consent of CAST director and concurrent enrollment in an approved CAST field education course. In this course, students will synthesize their learning from the Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) certificate courses with their field experiences.