Early Childhood Education


ECH ED 3302 Introduction to Inclusive Early Childhood Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. This course serves as an introduction to the field of early childhood education including historical, social and psychological foundations; child development; and evidence-based-practices appropriate to address developmental needs of children from birth through age 8. Program administration, management, environmental arrangement, and consultation/collaboration are emphasized. The family-centered practice, diversity, early intervention, early childhood special education, ethical and legal issues are addressed to enhance students' knowledge of inclusive education. Additional clinical experience may be required.

ECH ED 3303 Curriculum and Practice Laboratory: Infant/Toddler: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and ECH ED 3302. This course provides clinical experience in infant and toddler inclusive classrooms to allow for the implementation of individual-based curricula and guidance in techniques that support the development of all children. This course must be taken concurrently with ECH ED 3313.

ECH ED 3304 Curriculum and Practice Laboratory: Preschool: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and ECH ED 3302. This course provides clinical experience in preschool inclusive classrooms to allow for the implementation of child-emergent, project-based curricula and guidance in techniques that support the development of all children. This course must be taken concurrently with ECH ED 3314.

ECH ED 3313 Curriculum and Practice: Infant/Toddler: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and ECH ED 3302. This course addresses the design and implementation of integrated, inclusive curriculum for children from birth to 3 years of age. Must be taken concurrently with ECH ED 3303.

ECH ED 3314 Curriculum and Practice: Preschool Education: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and ECH ED 3302. This course examines the design and implementation of integrated, diverse, and inclusive curricula for children age three to six years. Social studies, creativity, and technology are emphasized. This course must be taken concurrently with ECH ED 3304.

ECH ED 3332 Literacy, Learning, and Instruction For The Young Child: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program. This course focuses on the language acquisition and literacy environments of young children from birth to age eight. It provides critical examination of early literacy learning available to children of diverse cultures and abilities. Strategies for family involvement and community resources in promoting language and literacy learning for young children are explored. Additional clinical experience may be required.

ECH ED 3350 Family and Professional Partnerships within School/Community: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program. This course provides teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to work successfully with diverse families of young children including those with disabilities. The focus is on using a family-systems perspective and family-centered approach to strengthen the home-to-school relationship. Building collaborative partnerships with families and community agencies is emphasized.

ECH ED 4317 Implementation, Evaluation, and Assessment in Early Childhood Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and ECH ED 3302. This course examines techniques for observing children, as well as the use of formal and informal assessment instruments to collect data used to plan and implement individual programs and curriculum in inclusive early childhood settings. Additional clinical experience may be required.

ECH ED 4348 The Acquisition of Mathematical and Scientific Concepts: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program; MATH 1025 or MATH 1150. This course explores mathematical theory and scientific inquiry necessary to design and implement early childhood mathematics and science instruction for children birth to age eight. Teacher candidates use theory and practice to design and implement early childhood mathematics and science instruction for children who are diverse with respect to culture, language, and ability. Additional clinical experience may be required.

ECH ED 4989 Practicum I: Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education Site Based Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Accepted practicum application. This course is a two-day per week intensive, collaborative professional experience in inclusive K-12 settings with emphasis in early childhood classrooms. This course emphasizes improving student learning outcomes, data-driven instruction, classroom management, and video use and analysis. Practicum I includes mandatory on-site and on-campus seminars which could be scheduled outside of normal class time. Students are required to take the appropriate DESE-mandated content exam during Practicum I.

ECH ED 4990 Practicum II: Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education Site Based Experience: 12 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Practicum I. This course is a four-day per week intensive, collaborative professional experience in inclusive K-12 settings with emphasis in early childhood classrooms. This course emphasizes improving student learning outcomes, data-driven instruction, classroom management, and video use and analysis. Practicum II includes mandatory on-site and on-campus seminars which could be scheduled outside of normal class time. Students are required to pass DESE-mandated certification exams during Practicum II.

ECH ED 5989 Practicum I: Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education Site-Based Experience: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: Director of Clinical Experience approval. This course is a 2-day per week intensive professional development experience working in P-12 settings with students with emphasis in inclusive early childhood classrooms. On-site activities include partnering with the classroom teacher in all areas of instruction, assessment, and classroom management. Some methods course assignments may be completed during the practicum day at school sites. Activities to acquire research skills are included.

ECH ED 5990 Practicum II: Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education Site-Based Experience: 8 semester hours

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Practicum I and Director of Clinical Experience approval. This course is a clinical teaching experience 4 days per week in inclusive early childhood settings. Teacher candidates spend time in schools engaged in various capacities to improve student learning within small group instruction, whole class teaching, lesson planning and special programs to demonstrate proficiency on all professional teacher standards. Teacher candidates collect data for a research project.

ECH ED 6321 Parent and Community Resources in Early Childhood Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Competencies for working with parents and community agencies will be developed through a study of community and community resources. Procedures for parent participation and use of service agencies in the education of all young children, including those with special needs, will be examined.

ECH ED 6321T Parent and Community Resources for Early Childhood Teachers in Residence: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and admission to Teach Residency. This course helps teachers in residence develop competencies for working successfully with parents and community agencies. The course examines procedures for parent participation and use of service agencies in the education of all young children, including those with special needs.

ECH ED 6348 Understanding and Supporting Children's Math and Science Inquiry: 2-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ED PSY 6215, ECH ED 6412. Advanced study of current cognitive theory to support the development of children's inquiry skills. Curriculum development and implications for practice in the areas of logical thinking, pre-number ideas, geometry, topology, arithmetical operations, problem solving, observation, inquiry and documentation are considered. National and state standards in math and science will provide a framework for teaching strategies.

ECH ED 6348T Understanding Children's Math and Science Inquiry for Early Childhood Teachers in Residence: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: ECH ED 6412T. This course is an advanced study of current cognitive theory to support the development of children's inquiry skills for teachers in residence in early childhood programs. The course explores curriculum development and implications for practice in the areas of logical thinking, pre-number ideas, geometry, topology, arithmetical operations, problem solving, observation, inquiry and documentation. National and state standards in math and science provide a framework for teaching strategies.

ECH ED 6412 Foundations of Early Childhood Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: A graduate course in child psychology or equivalent. This course explores the various types of early childhood programs and their related foundational philosophies. Topics include successful program implementation, strategies for effective parental involvement, and structuring productive social environments for young children.

ECH ED 6412B Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Practice and Application: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to Teach For America or Alternative Certification Program and must be practicing teacher with Bachelor Degree. A study of the various types of early childhood programs and the philosophy upon which they are based. Students analyze appropriate practice and program implementation. Students conduct an action research project pertaining to a relevant early childhood issue.

ECH ED 6412T Foundations of Early Childhood Education for Teachers in Residence: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to Teach Residency. This course for teachers in residence explores the various types of early childhood programs and their related foundational philosophies. Topics include successful program implementation, strategies for effective parental involvement, and structuring productive social environments for young children.

ECH ED 6413 Educational Role of Play: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course emphasizes play in early childhood classrooms as a constructive process with application to cognitive and social development. Candidates will explore and develop learning experiences that use play-based formats.

ECH ED 6413T Educational Role of Play for Early Childhood Teachers in Residence: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to Teach Residency. This course emphasizes play in early childhood classrooms as a constructive process with application to cognitive and social development. Teachers in residence explore and develop learning experiences that use play-based formats.

ECH ED 6415 Organization and Development of Early Childhood Programs: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ECH ED 6412 or equivalent. This course explores strategies for the effective organization and development of inclusive programs for children age birth through eight years. Research and theory in funding and budgeting, staffing and professional development, and selection, development, and assessment of program curriculum will be emphasized. Long-range planning for program stability and involvement in advocacy issues are discussed.

ECH ED 6415T Organization and Development of Early Childhood Programs for Teachers in Residence: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ECH ED 6412T. This course for teachers in residence explores strategies for the effective organization and development of inclusive programs for children birth through eight years. This course emphasizes research and theory in funding and budgeting; staffing and professional development; and selection, development, and assessment of program curriculum.

ECH ED 6490 Internship: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Closely supervised experience in a field setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the intern. The internship will include planning, research, evaluation and related professional activities.

ECH ED 6497 Problems: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Individual study on topics pertaining to early childhood education.

ECH ED 6535 Assessment, Curriculum, and Research-Based Practice: Birth-Grade 3: 2-4 semester hours

Prerequisites: TCH ED 6030, ECH ED 6412. Advanced studies in curriculum design, assessment, and research-based practice for children from birth through eight years, with primary emphasis on birth through 5 years. Students will learn to develop curriculum based upon observation of children and their interests; child development theory and research and the diverse needs of children by considering culture, context, and family relationships. Must be taken concurrently with ECH ED 6536 if obtaining certification.

ECH ED 6535T Assessment, Curriculum, and Research-Based Practice for Early Childhood Teachers in Residence: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: TCH ED 6030A and ECH ED 6412T. This course for teachers in residence is an advanced study in curriculum design, assessment, and research-based practice for children from birth through eight years, with primary emphasis on birth through 5 years. Teachers in residence learn to develop curriculum based upon observation of children and their interests; child development theory and research and the diverse needs of children by considering culture, context, and family relationships. This course is taken concurrently with ECH ED 6536T.

ECH ED 6536 Early Childhood Pre-Primary Practicum: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: ED PSY 6215, TCH ED 5310T, ECH ED 6412. The focus of this practicum is observation of and participation in classrooms of children birth through five years. Concurrent registration in ECH ED 6535 required.

ECH ED 6536T Early Childhood Pre-Primary Practicum for Teachers in Residence: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: TCH ED 6030A and ECH ED 6412T. This course for teachers in residence focuses on the observation of and participation in classrooms of children birth through five years. Concurrent registration in ECH ED 6535T required.