

EDUC 1002 UMSL Succeed First Year Experience: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: Consent of UMSL Succeed director. This course, required of all new UMSL Succeed students, is designed to assist students in making the transition to the university experience and to UMSL by giving students the knowledge and tools needed to succeed as a scholar. The course will also familiarize students with the relationship between their education and their career and personal goals, and will assist in developing positive connections with faculty, staff, and peers at UMSL. Students will learn about faculty expectations, support services, and student life, as well as academic disciplines. The course counts toward the requirements for completing the UMSL Succeed certificate.

EDUC 1004 UMSL Succeed Special Topics: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of UMSL Succeed director. This course supports students in the UMSL Succeed program in successfully accessing coursework at the university. UMSL Succeed students have the opportunity to co-enroll in courses that align with their interests and abilities through a mutual agreement between Succeed staff and UMSL course instructors that meet student and faculty expectations. This course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.

EDUC 2002 Social Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

This course examines the mindsets, skills, and approaches that social entrepreneurs use to solve problems in society. Students explore the role of social entrepreneurs with an emphasis on how they create change in people's lives and their impact on local to global scales. Students identify sustainable models for social innovation and formulate social entrepreneurship action plans. This course requires students to participate in up to 20 hours of community-engaged learning at local organizations.

EDUC 2204 Special Topics in Education: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Completion of 75 hours and consent of instructor. Examination of a special area or topic within the field of education. Topics to be considered will be announced prior to registration and may vary. For elective credit only. This course may be repeated for different topics. Not to exceed a total of six hours credit.

EDUC 2222 Interpretation: Connecting Audiences and Meaning: 3 semester hours

Interpretion is a process for forming intellectual and emotional connections between the interests of an audience and the inherent meanings within a resource. This class covers interpretive methods for development and delivery of thematic, non-formal presentations to various audiences. The class also introduces informal exhibit design, customer service and social media as they relate to interpretation.

EDUC 2297 Independent Study: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Completion of 75 hours and consent of instructor. Independent study through readings, research, reports and conferences designed to provide depth in areas of study previously introduced in education courses. For elective credit only. May be repeated. Not to exceed a total of three hours credit.

EDUC 3170 Grant Proposal Writing for Educators: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 or equivalent and junior standing. An introduction to grant proposal writing for educators and other professionals in community agencies, cultural institutions, and childcare centers. Students will practice writing the customary parts of a grant proposal as they learn essential concepts in fundraising, nonprofit management, and social entrepreneurship. Writing assignments include cover letters, problem statements, organizational profiles, project descriptions, budget narratives, and evaluation plans. Collaboration and peer review are required. Emphasis is on clarity, conciseness, format, style, tone, persuasiveness, and evidence basis.

EDUC 4989 Internship I: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Junior Standing, 12 credit hours of Bachelor of Educational Studies or Education Minor coursework, or consent of instructor and successful internship application. Supervised field experience in educational settings to prepare for planning, research, evaluation, and other professional activities in the student's emphasis area of concentration that will be carried out in EDUC 4990 and EDUC 4991.

EDUC 4990 Internship II: 6 semester hours

Prerequisites: C or better in EDUC 4989, senior standing, or consent of instructor and successful internship application. Supervised field experience in an approved setting.

EDUC 4991 Internship III: 6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 4990 (may be taken concurrently), C or better in EDUC 4990 if not taken currently, or consent of instructor, and successful internship application. Supervised field experience in an approved setting.

EDUC 5006 Graduate Workshop: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

EDUC 5612 Intrapreneurial Leadership: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course helps graduate students bring people and resources together to create value within existing organizations. Intrapreneurial leadership focuses on identifying and leveraging opportunities to enhance organizational responsiveness, growth, and vitality.

EDUC 5616 Accelerate Intrapreneurial Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course equips graduate students to apply theories of leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and systems thinking within real-world organizational or business contexts. Students propose and implement a new program, product, or service model that builds organizational capacity and financial sustainability.

EDUC 6404 Seminar: 1-10 semester hours

Seminar on an educational topic or special issue not normally included in the regular curriculum.

EDUC 6408 Graduate Seminar: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Intensive study of selected issues in education.

EDUC 6491 Staff Development and Professional Growth: 1-10 semester hours

Designed in conjunction with an individual school district or educational agency and related to problems of education confronting that specific district or agency.

EDUC 6998 Thesis Research: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

EDUC 7050 The Research Process I: Framing Research Questions in Education Research: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the EdD or PhD in Education. This course is an overview of the essential elements of writing a research proposal including, identifying a problem statement and conceptualizing critical research questions. The course emphasizes exploring the research literature, framing research questions, and justifying them based on the literature.

EDUC 7200 English Academic Support: 1-3 semester hours

This course addresses the language needs of international doctoral students as they perform scholarly analysis and write at the doctoral level. The course contributes to the development of skills necessary for the successful completion of the dissertation. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 27 credit hours.

EDUC 7215 Data Analysis for Educational Practitioners: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to an EdD cohort or consent of instructor. This course provides an overview of the quantitative skills needed for research including using software for statistical data analysis. The course facilitates an understanding and application of statistical techniques used for survey research.

EDUC 7220 Designing Research for Educational Practitioners: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. cohort or consent of instructor. Guided workshop, applying the principles of research design, to design a study of the research issues selected by the learning community. Course covers how to develop research questions, choose among quantitative and qualitative methods, and consider the best, ethical practices.

EDUC 7305 Representing Data for Educational Practitioners: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. learning community or permission of instructor. Methods for presenting and displaying various types of data to a range of target audiences. Means of assuring accurate representation and the advantages and disadvantages of various methods are reviewed. Displays include tables, graphs, and charts. Current software programs to aid representation are reviewed.

EDUC 7310 Integrating Technology in Learning for Educational: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. cohort or consent of instructor. Appropriate technology tools for carrying out individual or group research and assessment projects will be identified and integrated. The appropriate tools will be learned and applied to present, analyze and complete projects.

EDUC 7320 Financial and Budgeting Skills for Educational Practitioners: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. cohort or consent of instructor. Examines budgeting and finance systems of educational institutions, both from the perspective of theory, research and policy development, and from the perspective of actual budgeting and practice. There will also be an emphasis on the impact of federal and state policy regarding the finance of educational institutions, as well as the processes by which budgets are developed and resources allocated.

EDUC 7325 Grant Writing for Educational Practitioners: 1 semester hour

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. cohort or consent of instructor. Provides hands-on help for current and would-be grant writers. Examines search tools to locate likely request for proposals, explores text and sub-text issues, develops a timeline for grant development and submission, provides practice on how a peer review system works, considers issues related to revision and follows the real processes engaged in by successful grant recipients.

EDUC 7395 Research and Technical Writing for Educational Practitioners: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to a doctoral program or consent of instructor. This course facilitates the preparation of components of a research proposal framework for individual and co-authored dissertation proposals, including the introduction, problem statement, conceptual framework, purpose statement, research questions, and literature review.

EDUC 7415 Topics in Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the doctoral program. Intensive study of a topic in education.

EDUC 7490 Directed Readings in the Education Research Literature: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing. Independent study of the education research literature in an area defined in consultation with an advisor.

EDUC 7600 Learning Community of Practice I: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to an EdD cohort. This course requires students in the Ed.D. learning communities to apply the scholarship of teaching and learning through asset mapping, inquiry formation, and selected readings. Students develop professional connections, explore their interests and beliefs, and reflect on a problem of practice.

EDUC 7610 Learning Community of Practice II: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7600. This course requires students to identify and examine research problems by developing skills of inquiry, integrating prior knowledge, and evaluating extant research.

EDUC 7620 Learning Community of Practice III: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7610. This course assists students in the selection and definition of a problem of practice addressed through research by the learning community members. This includes building relationships within and outside the learning community and designing structure to support inquiry into a problem of practice.

EDUC 7625 Building Socially Just and Ethical Educational Communities: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the EdD program. This course examines the role of culture, analyzes social justice components, and considers ethical and legal issues for learning communities.

EDUC 7630 Learning Community of Practice IV: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7620. This course requires students to design and pilot a research study. Students select tools of inquiry, locate study resources and supports, and analyze data.

EDUC 7640 Learning Community of Practice V: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7630. This course requires students to prepare a dissertation proposal. This involves selection of research tools, establishment of study procedures at research sites, and adherence to high ethical standards for conducting research.

EDUC 7642 Sociocultural Perspectives in Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing and consent of instructor. Investigation of sociocultural theory with a focus on educational applications. Topics include the social formation of mind, language as cultural tool, methodological issues in social science research, and dialogic inquiry as pedagogy.

EDUC 7650 Learning Community of Practice VI: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7640. This course is a continuation of EDUC 7640, which requires preparation of a dissertation proposal, selection of research tools, establishment of study procedures at research sites, and adherence to high ethical standards in research.

EDUC 7660 Learning Community of Practice VII: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7650. This course requires preparation of a dissertation proposal, selection of research tools, establishment of study procedures at research sites, and adherence to high ethical standards in research.

EDUC 7670 Learning Community of Practice VIII: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7660. This course requires students to prepare the final chapters of the dissertation, understand and perform data analysis, interpret the results for a problem of practice, provide recommendations for future research, and disseminate the results to applicable audiences.

EDUC 7680 Learning Community of Practice IX: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7670. This course assists students to prepare the final chapters of the dissertation, understand and perform data analysis, interpret the results for a problem of practice, provide recommendations for future research, and disseminate the results to applicable audiences.

EDUC 7690 Learning Community of Practice X: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7680. This course prepares students to defend the dissertation. This includes assistance with the dissertation manuscript and the oral defense.

EDUC 7710 Research Methods and Design for Educational Practitioners: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Students must be admitted to the EdD program in order to enroll in this course. This course prepares educational practitioners to identify and understand research questions and develop appropriate research designs to answer them. Students learn how to critically evaluate research reports.

EDUC 7880 Research Internship I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Nine hours of research methods or statistics and consent of instructor. Supervised experience in the conduct of research studies or scholarly inquiry.

EDUC 7881 Research Internship II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7880 and consent of instructor. Supervised experience in the conduct of research studies or scholarly inquiry.

EDUC 7882 Research Internship III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: EDUC 7881 and consent of instructor. Supervised experience in the conduct of research studies or scholarly inquiry.

EDUC 7889 Laboratory of Practice: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to an Ed.D. cohort. Field experience that bridges theory and practice in solving complex, situated problems of practice.

EDUC 7950 Preparation for Writing the Dissertation Proposal: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of research methods course requirements. This course provides an in-depth examination of the essential elements of a dissertation proposal. Particular emphasis is placed on examining the validity and reliability or the trustworthiness of the design of proposed research. Tools for identifying strengths and weaknesses are applied to proposals. Critique of proposals is employed. Also reviewed is the process of presenting and defending a proposal.

EDUC 7998 Dissertation in Practice Research: 1-8 semester hours

Prerequisite: Admission to pre-candidacy in the EdD program.

EDUC 7999 Dissertation Research: 1-12 semester hours

Prerequisite: Admission to pre-candidacy in the PhD in Education program.