

ENT 1100 Introduction to Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

This course allows students of any major to develop a working knowledge of fundamental entrepreneurial concepts, vocabulary, skills, and tools that can enhance professional efficacy, whether at a startup or an established business.

ENT 2130 Business in the Arts: 3 semester hours

This course takes an in-depth look at business aspects through the lens of the arts, with an emphasis on cultivating and developing an entrepreneurial perspective.

ENT 3100 Applications of Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

This course allows students to apply and analyze entrepreneurial principles essential to successfully launching and scaling new ventures in both startups and existing organizations. Topics include opportunity recognition, ideation, design thinking, business and revenue model development, market experimentation, bootstrapping, and more.

ENT 3133 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): 3 semester hours

Same as MKTG 3733. Prerequisites: MKTG 3721 and MKTG 3722 or consent of instructor. The marketing and sales technology framework covered in this course includes project management, automation and email, Customer Experience Platforms (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, E-Commerce, data analytics and internet sources. We'll cover best-in-class technologies for use in small businesses through enterprises. Students will learn how to immediately apply the marketing technology roadmap and choose the right digital marketing tools to execute successful campaigns. Students may not receive credit for both MKTG 3733 and MKTG 5733.

ENT 3140 Creativity and Systems for Innovation: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENT 3100 or consent of instructor. This course examines systems theory, and its application to entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Students will develop the ability to understand and solve problems and initiate opportunities by thinking in new ways. Students will learn about the entrepreneurial ecosystem, including the economic, social, and political factors acting on it, and how to use it to increase good outcomes.

ENT 3145 Seminar in Venture Capital and Private Equity: 3 semester hours

Same as FINANCE 3545. Prerequisites: FINANCE 3500. This course examines venture capital and private equity firms as an important category of financial institutions. The main focus of the course is on financial, economic, and legal issues that develop between venture capital firms and their limited partners and between private equity firms and the firms in which they invest. More specifically, the course will explore the following processes: (1) how private equity and venture capital firms raise capital; (2) how they deal with firms in which they invest; and (3) how they exit investments. The course also discusses technology development process including protection through patents before they are licensed or used to establish as startup companies.

ENT 3150 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENT 3100. This course allows students who want to understand how to evaluate the potential of an entrepreneurial opportunity by examining its market desirability, technical feasibility, and financial viability.

ENT 3161 Entrepreneurial Product Development: 3 semester hours

Same as MKTG 3761. Prerequisites: ENT 3100 or consent of instructor. This course allows students who want to learn how to transform an abstract idea for a new product into a concrete product development project, whether in a structured corporate environment or as entrepreneurs presenting to, and working with, external stakeholders.

ENT 3190 Internship in Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENT 3100. This course is focused on helping students who are employed in an entrepreneurial setting develop professionally by applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to their particular entrepreneurial setting.

ENT 4100 Entrepreneurship Capstone: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENT 3100. In this course students will systematically pursue a self-selected, real-world entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial opportunity at an existing or potential business.

ENT 4114 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management: 3 semester hours

Same as MGMT 4614. Prerequisites: ENT 3100, BUS AD 2900, FINANCE 3500, MKTG 3700, MGMT 3600, and a 2.0 overall GPA; or consent of instructor. This integrative general management course is designed to communicate the academic principles of business management applicable to solving of problems of small and medium-size businesses and assist in their development. This course will provide a background in the forms of business, the development of business plans and systems integration, venture capital, accounting, procurement, promotion, financing, distribution and negotiations for initial organization, and operation and expansion of the firm.

ENT 4147 Introduction to Project Management: 3 semester hours

Same as SCMA 4347. Prerequisites: SCMA 3301 and a minimum campus GPA of 2.0. This course introduces the concepts and practices of Project Management with a focus on supply chain and analytics related projects. It covers conventional aspects of project management, such as the project evaluation, planning, roles, responsibilities, scheduling, and tracking. In addition, this class introduces agile project management as applicable to projects where there is not the specificity of goals or solutions to be applicable to traditional project management.

ENT 4199 Independent Study in Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ENT 3100 and consent of instructor. In this course students will pursue individual study in entrepreneurship under the supervision of an entrepreneurship faculty member, subject to the approval of the supervising professor.

ENT 5614 Entrepreneurship and Innovation: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course focuses on students acquiring skills to capitalize on competitive strengths and market opportunities in dynamic entrepreneurial environments. A major focus will be placed on students developing personal and professional competencies aimed at enabling them to launch successful entrepreneurial ventures via innovation, collaboration, disruption, overcoming obstacles, and having a bias toward action.

ENT 5618 Accelerate Entrepreneurial Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course focuses on development of entrepreneurial skills and perspectives that facilitate development and testing of actionable product or service ideas. Customer ethnography, the business model canvas, and the development and execution of prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) are used to successfully address real world problems.

ENT 5650 Advanced Experiential Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Students will work in teams mentored by experienced entrepreneurs to generate innovative ideas and transform them into business models for economically viable entities. Experiential learning will be used in customer discovery, prototyping, and market feasibility analysis. Students will identify potential sources of funding and develop business plan pitch decks.