

MKTG 3700 Principles of Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ECON 1001, junior standing and a minimum overall GPA of 2.0. An examination of the character and importance of the marketing process, its essential functions and the institutions performing them. Attention is focused on the major policies (such as distribution, product, price, and promotion) which underlie the multifarious activities of marketing institutions and the managerial, economic, societal implications of such policies.

MKTG 3710 Consumer Behavior: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700, and a minimum overall GPA of 2.0. A study of such consumer functions as decision-making, attitude formation and change, cognition, perception, and learning. The marketing concepts of product positioning, segmentation, brand loyalty, shopping preference and diffusion of innovations are considered in context with the environmental, ethical, multicultural and social influences on an increasingly diverse American consumer.

MKTG 3720 Advertising and Promotion: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700, minimum campus GPA of 2.0. A study of the design, organization and implementation of the marketing "communications mix." Various methods such as advertising, personal selling, and publicity are analyzed as alternatives for use alone, or in combination to stimulate demand, reseller support, and buyer preference. Particular topics considered include media selection, sales promotionals, packaging, selling strategy and their relationships in the promotion process.

MKTG 3721 Introduction to Digital Marketing Strategies: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700 and a minimum campus GPA of 2.0. This course explores the world of digital media marketing and how it impacts and is integrated along with our traditional marketing channels. It explores how the balance of power has shifted between brands and consumers. Consumers are becoming more active in the marketing process and in influencing how brands communicate with them. This course explores the latest digital marketing trends, how to build a strong website from an organic perspective, search strategies for success, website intelligence and tracking using Google Analytics, retaining customers via Email marketing, online display advertising, and developing an integrated marketing plan.

MKTG 3722 Introduction to Social Media Marketing: 3 semester hours

In this course, students will learn how to create a brand presence on social networks, understand the differences between earned and paid media, be introduced to the various tools (free and paid) used to listen and engage with consumers, discuss how brands manage healthy communities, and learn techniques used by social media managers to identify influencers. Students will also learn how to create various forms of content for consumption by consumers on these platforms including livestreaming, video, blogs, podcasts, memes, and more. Students will support the College of Business social media platforms via content creation, curation, production and distribution.

MKTG 3733 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): 3 semester hours

Same as ENT 3133. Prerequisites: MKTG 3721 and MKTG 3722 or consent of instructor. The marketing and sales technology framework covered in this course includes project management, automation and email, Customer Experience Platforms (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, E-Commerce, data analytics and internet sources. We'll cover best-in-class technologies for use in small businesses through enterprises. Students will learn how to immediately apply the marketing technology roadmap and choose the right digital marketing tools to execute successful campaigns. Students may not receive credit for both MKTG 3733 and MKTG 5733.

MKTG 3734 Seminars in Digital and Social Media Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3721 or MKTG 3722 or consent of instructor if prior digital/social media experience. In this course, the students will be attending three one, or three day intensive workshops covering various digita and social media marketing topics in depth. Topics may include CRM and email marketing strategy, advanced Facebook advertising, Google Analytics, strategic search engine marketing, paid search, LinkedIn strategy, data analytics and visualization, video production/editing, and podcasting strategy. All seminars are on various Fridays and Saturdays. Contact the instructor for the exact schedule for these workshops.

MKTG 3738 Advertising Technique: 3 semester hours

Same as MEDIA ST 3338. Prerequisites: COMM 1100 or MKTG 3700 or consent of instructor. Techniques for creating advertising messages and campaigns to reach target audiences. Focus on the process of persuasion, importance of advertising in modern economics, rationale for company advertisement, evaluation of advertising effectiveness, and assessment of advertising myths and truths. Practical application of messages and campaigns will be stressed.

MKTG 3740 Marketing Analysis: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: INFSYS 1800, MKTG 3700, SCMA 3300, and a 2.0 Overall GPA. An investigation of the acquisition, presentation, and application of marketing information for management. Particular problems considered are defining information requirements, evaluating research findings, and utilizing information. Statistical methods, models, and/or cases are employed to illustrate approaches to marketing intelligence problems, such as sales forecasts, market delineation, buyer motives, store location, and performance of marketing functions.

MKTG 3750 Sales Management: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700 and MGMT 3600. (MGMT 3600 may be taken concurrently). Also a minimum campus GPA of 2.0. the aim of this course is to provide an understanding of how selling is critical to the success of marketing. The course will promote critical thinking skills as well as practical selling skills needed in a competitive marketplace. Course topics include, among others, selling principles & techniques, understanding of the tasks and roles of the sales manager, the management of sales professionals within an organization, developing and applying effective persuasive communications, creating a vision, developing and implementing a sales-team strategy, structuring sales-force, designing and assigning territories, recruiting, training, motivation and evaluating salespeople, methods of compensation, and forecasting sales. The emphasis will be on ways the sales-force can be molded to build long-lasting relationships with customers through the systematic analysis and solution of customer's problems.

MKTG 3751 Personal Selling: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700 and junior standing, or consent of instructor. This course presents the business-to-business and customer-focused selling processes and their application through discussion, role-play, individual and group activities. Essential skills such as the appropriate use of communication tools, effective time-management and an understanding of various selling environments are also incorporated into the course.

MKTG 3760 Business to Business Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MATH 1105, MKTG 3700, overall GPA of 2.0 and senior standing. A study of the nature of the business-to-business (organizational) marketplace, concentrating on those aspects that differentiate it from consumer markets. The major focus of the course is marketing strategy, starting with analysis of the market wants and segments, concepts of pricing, the distribution arrangements, and buyer/seller relations. In this last area, consideration will be given to service, personal selling, sales promotion, and advertising, as found in the organizational marketplace. At all times emphasis is given to relating business-to-business marketing strategy to basic concepts in underlying business disciplines. Lectures and case discussions are used heavily in the course.

MKTG 3761 Entrepreneurial Product Development: 3 semester hours

Same as ENT 3161. Prerequisites: ENT 3100 or consent of instructor. This course allows students who want to learn how to transform an abstract idea for a new product into a concrete product development project, whether in a structured corporate environment or as entrepreneurs presenting to, and working with, external stakeholders.

MKTG 3765 Sports Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: MKTG 3700. This course is a study of how the principles of marketing are applied in the sports industry. The course examines the marketing of sports, teams, athletes, etc., as well as the use of sports to market products (e.g., sponsorship and promotional licensing).

MKTG 3770 Introduction to Transportation: 3 semester hours

Same as SCMA 3370. Prerequisite: A minimum campus GPA of 2.0. This course provides an overview of the transportation sector, including history, providers, users, government regulation, and the central role of transportation in supply chain management. The course covers the importance of domestic and global transportation, the operational aspects of the various transportation modes (rail, water, motor, air, and pipeline), the role of transportation intermediaries, the demand and supply of transportation, and the managerial aspects of transport in both the commercial and urban environment.

MKTG 3780 International Marketing: 3 semester hours

Same as INTL BUS 3780. Prerequisites: MKTG 3700 and a 2.0 overall GPA. Marketing management problems, techniques and strategies needed to apply the marketing concept to the world marketplace. Understanding a country's cultural and environmental impact on the marketing plan is emphasized, as well as competing in markets of various cultures. Worldwide consumerism, economic and social development, the spread of multinational corporations, business ethics, and current economic and marketing issues are examined.

MKTG 3785 Women in International Entrepreneurship: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 3700; MKTG 3780 or INTL BUS 3780; and junior standing.This course is an integration of international business and entrepreneurship, with a focus on women entrepreneurs. It is designed to help students learn how entrepreneurs create and grow their ventures internationally. We will examine how entrepreneurs search, evaluate, and exploit opportunities across national boundaries to market goods and services effectively. We will explore the unique circumstances faced by women entrepreneurs and the appropriate strategies developed in order to sustain international growth.

MKTG 3790 Internship in Marketing: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: A minimum campus GPA of 2.0; one must have completed and/or be currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours of Marketing electives and have consent of supervising marketing instructor and the department chair. A Business College GPA of 2.5 is also required. Students are employed in the field of Marketing where they apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Professional development and obtaining specialized work experience are primary goals. A Marketing faculty member will monitor the student's program with the student providing a formal written report at the end of the project. MKTG 3790 may be counted toward the minimum credit hours of marketing electives required for a marketing emphasis.

MKTG 3795 Special Administration Problems - Marketing: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: To be determined each time the course is offered and to include a minimum 2.0 overall GPA. Study of selected special problems in business and administration. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

MKTG 3798 Seminar in Marketing: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: To be determined each time the course is offered and to include a minimum 2.0 overall GPA. This course is a selected special topic in the field of marketing. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

MKTG 3799 Independent Study in Marketing: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Minimum campus GPA of 2.0 and approval by the supervising professor and the area coordinator. Special individual study in marketing under the supervision of a full-time marketing faculty member.

MKTG 4700 Marketing Management: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MATH 1105, MKTG 3700, three other marketing elective courses, senior standing, and a 2.0 campus GPA. An intensive analysis of major marketing decisions facing the firm, such as level, mix, allocation, and strategy of marketing efforts. Specific decision areas investigated include market determination, pricing, physical distribution, product policy, promotion, channel management, and buyer behavior. Competitive, political, legal, and social factors that may affect such areas of decisions are discussed. Cases, models, and problems are used heavily.

MKTG 5700 Integrated Marketing Strategies: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: BUS AD 5000. This course is designed for students with no prior course work in the field of marketing. A wide spectrum of marketing institutions and activities is covered. The impact of marketing on the total firm, the economy, and society in general is assessed. The course is intended to develop and organize the fundamental marketing concepts necessary to an analytical study of consumer behavior, the economic environment and four managerial aspects of marketing. The acquisition and utilization of marketing research data for problem solving is stressed. Relation and integration of basic marketing knowledge to the successful development of sound marketing policy, planning, and strategy is developed.

MKTG 5701 Marketing Planning and Strategy: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: MKTG 5700. Emphasizes the development of a total marketing program through an analytical study of the marketing-mix, the diagnosis of the business situation, along with the influence of exogenous variables and the development of an effective overall marketing strategy. Stresses importance of an integrated marketing plan and utilizes modern decision-making tools. Supplementary readings, journal articles, and current periodicals are used to place the theoretical framework of the course into the contemporary environment of the market place.

MKTG 5702 Brand Management: 3 semester hours

The course covers the building blocks and principles of branding and strategy, the importance of brand equity, and how to build and manage brand equity. This course provides an opportunity to internalize the concepts, principles and tools important in successful branding.

MKTG 5710 Consumer Motivation and Behavior: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: MKTG 5700. An analysis of the socio-psychological foundations of consumer behavior including personality differences, needs and wants, status symbols, social change and mobility, fads and fashions. Consumer spending and saving habits, product preferences, leisure-time patterns, shopping behavior and motivation research also are examined for their impact on advertising, selling and marketing management.

MKTG 5721 Digital Marketing Strategies and Measurement: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5700. This course provides students with the theoretical understanding of the internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also introducing them to the real-world internet marketing problems. The following topics will be covered: (1) an overview of the digital landscape and status quo; (2) digital advertising and promotion including search advertising and display advertising; and (3) transitioning to digital: product, price, and place.

MKTG 5722 Social Media Marketing Strategy: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5700. This course teaches students how to create a brand presence on social networks, understand the differences between earned and paid media, understand the various tools used to listen and engage with consumers, how we manage healthy communities, techniques used to identify influencers, crisis management, rules of engagement for high profile individuals and corporations, the importance of transparency, and the various ways engagement is measured. Students will also learn how to create various forms of content for consumption by consumers on various social media platforms, including livestreaming, video, blogs, podcasts, and memes, and will become Hootsuite Certified by the end of the semester.

MKTG 5731 Special Seminars in Digital and Social Media Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5721 or MKTG 5722 or consent of instructor if prior digital/social media experience. This course provides students with three one, two or three day intensive workshops covering various digital and social media marketing topics in depth. Topics may include CRM and email marketing strategy, advanced Facebook advertising, Google Analytics, strategic search engine marketing, paid search, LinkedIn strategy, data analytics and visualization, video production/editing, and podcasting strategy. All seminars are on Fridays and Saturdays. Contact the instructor for the exact schedule for these workshops.

MKTG 5733 Customer Relationship Management Strategies: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5721 and MKTG 5722, or consent of instructor. The course covers project management, automation and email, Customer Experience Platforms (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, E-Commerce, data analytics and internet sources. Best-in-class technologies for use in small businesses through enterprises will be covered. Students may not receive credit for both MKTG 3733 and MKTG 5733.

MKTG 5740 Marketing and Business Analytics: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5700 and SCMA 5300. A broad approach to marketing research as a model for acquiring, retrieving, and analyzing decision-making information. Includes market measurement, evaluation of sales and cost effectiveness, sales forecasting and primary marketing research studies aimed at solving specific problems. Emphasis is placed also on building a theoretical and analytical framework to provide flexibility in the design of marketing experiments and in judging recent research innovations.

MKTG 5761 Business to Business Marketing: 3 semester hours

The course provides graduate students with an understanding of the role of business to business marketing as it pertains to business, government, and institutional customers. The course places a heavy emphasis on buyer-seller interaction embodying business to business marketing. In addition to discussing the standard theories and covering the subject domain of business marketing, the course focuses on the finer aspects of business to business marketing negotiations using exercises and readings. Student groups enact complex industrial buyer-seller negotiations striving to achieve their respective organizational goals.

MKTG 5770 Supply Chain Management Strategy: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Course addresses supply chain management and its implications, with a focus on what firms can do to maintain competitiveness in the quickly changing business landscape. Topics may include, but are not limited to, value chain analyses, marketing business-to-business, supply chain analytics, procurement, production, logistics, and inventory management within supply chains.

MKTG 5780 Seminar in International Marketing: 3 semester hours

Same as INTL BUS 5780. Prerequisite: MKTG 5700. An advanced seminar on topics in international or global marketing. Possible topics include the globalization of trade, export marketing, international market opportunity analysis, and negotiation for international marketers. Students who take one version of this course (e.g., globalization of trade) can take a second version of the course (e.g., negotiation for international marketers) with prior permission.

MKTG 5790 Internship in Marketing: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Students must have completed and/or be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours of marketing electives and have consent of supervising faculty member and the department chair. This course allows students to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom as they work in the field of marketing. This internship provides professional development and specialized work experience. A marketing faculty member will monitor the student's program, and the student will provide a formal report at the end of the project.

MKTG 5795 Seminar in Marketing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: MKTG 5700. This course addresses advanced problems in contemporary marketing. Topics may include, but are not limited to, marketing strategy, marketing communications and advertising, product management, consumer behavior, channels of distribution, international marketing, and marketing research.

MKTG 5799 Individual Research in Marketing: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate director. Special individual research topics in marketing under the guidance of a specific professor.