Music Education


MUS ED 2770 An Introduction to Music for the Elementary School Teacher: 3 semester hours

Through hands-on experiences and classroom lessons, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of the basics of music in order to create and present lesson plans that utilize music as a tool for teaching elementary subjects. Students will also learn basic music instrumentation, comprehension of musical elements and terminology, and the ability to play simple treble clef melodies on classroom instruments, e.g., soprano recorders and xylophones.

MUS ED 3570 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Secondary General Music: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: THRY COM 2311 and THRY COM 2312 and completion of Level I Education courses for the music education major. This course provides a study of the elementary and secondary school music curriculum emphasizing the objectives, methods of teaching and staffing music classes, and analysis of instructional materials and resources. Must be completed in residence.

MUS ED 3680 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Instrumental Music: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: THRY COM 2311, THRY COM 2312, PRACTM 2510, and MUS ED 3570. A study of the teaching techniques, materials, curriculum, and organization of the beginning instrumental music education program. Topics include student recruitment, the elementary band/orchestra, small group instruction, jazz ensemble, and marching band. This course must be completed in residence. Concurrent enrollment in MUS ED 3570 is required.

MUS ED 3710 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Choral Music: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: THRY COM 2311, THRY COM 2312, MUS ED 3570, PRACTM 2180, and completion of Level I Education courses. A study of the following topics pertinent to an elementary and middle school choral music program: curriculum, methods of teaching techniques, organization, and administrative procedures for choral performance classes. This course must be completed in residence. Limited to music education majors.

MUS ED 5060 Graduate Workshop in Music Education: 1-5 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Intensive workshop in Music Education. Variable topics. To gain skills and knowledge in specific areas not readily available in existing courses.

MUS ED 5510 Graduate Instrumental Methods: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in music. Development of objectives for instrumental programs and methods of achieving those objectives. Comprehensive musicianship through instrumental performance, analysis of instrumental literature, instrumental philosophies and methodologies, rehearsal organization, and recent research in instrumental music education will be discussed.

MUS ED 5570 Advanced Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Elementary and Secondary General Music: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and music coordinator approval. This course prepares students to teach general music to students at the elementary and secondary level. The course emphasizes the formation of a philosophy of music education and practices that consider the developmental needs of children as they are introduced to musical concepts and skills. Topics of the course may include lesson planning and observations, a review of traditional and current music education pedagogies, National and State music standards, music repertoire, assessment strategies, and differentiated teaching methods for music instruction.

MUS ED 5610 Graduate Choral Methods: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in music. Development of objectives for choral programs and methods of achieving those objectives. Comprehensive musicianship through choral performance, analysis of choral literature, the changing voice, choral philosophies and methodologies, rehearsal organization, and recent research in choral music education will be discussed.

MUS ED 5620 Guitar in the Classroom: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in music. A study of guitar instruction in grades 5-12 with a focus on curricular sequence that includes chords, strums and picking patterns essential for song accompaniment skill development. Current materials, suitable for upper elementary and secondary students will be explored.

MUS ED 5680 Advanced Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Instrumental Music: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and music coordinator approval. This course prepares students to teach instrumental music to students at the elementary and secondary level. The course emphasizes the formation of a philosophy of music education and practices that consider the developmental needs of students as they are introduced to musical concepts and skills through the playing of musical instruments in bands, orchestras, and other instrumental ensembles. Topics of the course may include lesson planning and the creation of behavioral objectives, teaching musical notation, rhythmic reading, sight reading, principles of musical acoustics, tone and intonation, bowing and articulation, and the study of rehearsal and performance procedures.

MUS ED 5712 Advanced Choral Music Methods: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and music coordinator approval. This course prepares students to teach choral music to students at the elementary and secondary level. This course emphasizes the formation of a philosophy of music education and practices that consider the developmental needs of students as they are introduced to musical concepts and skills through singing in vocal ensembles. Topics of the course may include lesson planning and the creation of behavioral objectives, building vocal tone, diction, rehearsal communication and techniques, diagnosing choral problems, working with changing voices, and developing style in choral singing.

MUS ED 5750 Computer Applications in Music Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in music. An examination of the potential of computers in the music education field. Experiences with available hardware and software suitable for applications that include inventory, budget, music library cataloging, digital music synthesis, digital music recording and editing, music-related graphics and basic animation with music soundtracks.

MUS ED 5810 Foundations of Music Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music. A study of the historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of music education, includes principles necessary for development, implementation, and evaluation of total school music program.

MUS ED 5830 Contemporary Music Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music. A study of recent trends and issues in music education.

MUS ED 5910 Music Education Research: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music. Applications of various approaches in defining and analyzing research problems in music education. Historical, experimental, descriptive, and philosophical research will be included.

MUS ED 5950 Special Problems in Music Education: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing in music. Selected Problems to meet the needs ff the individual student.

MUS ED 5990 Master's Project in Music Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music. A project utilizing historical, experimental, philosophical, descriptive, or analytical research techniques. The project will include a written report.