Public Policy Administration


P P ADM 6000 Introduction to Policy Analysis: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6410. Systematic development of a critical/analytic base for dealing with public policy.

P P ADM 6010 Introduction to Policy Research: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6401. Procedures for testing explanations, including research design, principles of measurement, probability sampling, methods of data collection, and techniques for analyzing data.

P P ADM 6150 Directed Readings and Research in Public Policy: 1-10 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6415. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, research projects, and conferences. May be repeated for credit, provided the subject matter is different.

P P ADM 6180 Governmental Budgeting and Financial Control: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course is a study of municipal and federal financial control and budgeting procedures with emphasis on public policy. It covers the impact of financial control on top management decisions and the effect of budget strategies on the allocations of public funds.

P P ADM 6300 Leadership and Management in Nonprofit Organizations: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6300 and SOC WK 6300. Prerequisites: Graduate standing required. Addresses the role and scope of the independent sector in the United States, as well as the leadership and management of nonprofit organizations within that sector. Topics include the economic and political scope of the independent sector, the role of volunteerism in a democratic society, and the role and scope of philanthropy. Topics in voluntary organization management and leadership include the dynamics, functions and membership structure of NPOs, especially staff-board and other volunteer relations; governance and management of NPOs; resource mobilization; and program development management and evaluation.

P P ADM 6310 American Philanthropy and Nonprofit Resources Development: 3 semester hours

Same as SOC WK 6310. Prerequisites: Graduate standing required. This course addresses the history, philosophy, roles and scope of philanthropy in the United States, including its role in the nonprofit, voluntary sector. It further examines the contemporary forces which impact philanthropy and charitable giving, both by institutions and individuals. The course examines the effective planning and management of development programs (e.g., annual giving), fundraising vehicles (e.g., mail solicitations) and the fund raising process, from planning through donor relations.

P P ADM 6311 Staff Management Issues in Nonprofit Organizations: 1 semester hour

Same as SOC WK 6311. Prerequisites: Graduate standing required. This course addresses issues involved in managing staff in nonprofit organizations. The course will cover the following topics: fundamentals of staff supervision; balancing supervisory processes with counseling and coaching; selecting, hiring, evaluating, and terminating staff; legal issues that affect these processes.

P P ADM 6312 Legal Issues in Managing Nonprofit Organizations: 1 semester hour

Same as SOC WK 6312. Prerequisites: Graduate standing required. This course addresses legal issues involved in managing and governing nonprofit organizations. The course will cover the following topics: The Board as steward of the organization; Director and officer liability; tax laws concerning charitable giving; legal issues in managing staff and volunteers (e.g., hiring, evaluating, and terminating employees); Missouri nonprofit law.

P P ADM 6313 Financial Issues in Managing Nonprofit Organizations: 1 semester hour

Same as SOC WK 6313. Prerequisite: Graduate standing required. This course addresses financial issues involved in governing and managing nonprofit organizations. The course will cover the following topics: Cash flow analysis; budgeting; fund accounting; cost accounting (determining costs for programs and services); understanding and using standard financial statements, including balance sheets, cash flow statements, statements of activity, and operating and capital budgets.

P P ADM 6340 Seminar in City Administration: 3 semester hours

This course provides an overview of the working environment of a city administrator and is jointly sponsored by the local city managers association. Professional city personnel make presentations to the students on six major topics: political structure, organizational structure, service delivery, finance, personnel policies and practices, and leadership. The course provides direct observation of city council meetings, visits to various city facilities, exposure to different philosophies and styles of city management, and provides students a chance to assemble facts, evaluate options, and present policy recommendations for real problems that local administrators face.

P P ADM 6350 Issues in Urban Management: 3 semester hours

Designed to evaluate management issues that confront managers in local government from a political perspective. The format will include an intense review and discussion of original case studies from actual local government situations. The specific focus of this course will vary. Course may be repeated.

P P ADM 6400 Public Administration: Theory & Practice: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6440. The course examines major approaches to analyzing public policies and their administration with emphasis on the effects of administrative organization and procedures on policy decisions and their impact. Specific topics may include administrative accountability, inter-governmental relations, public private interaction, implementation processes, bureaucratic expertise, the legal environment of public administration, and public service and merit issue.

P P ADM 6430 Health Care Policy: 3 semester hours

Same as GERON 6443, POL SCI 6443, and SOC WK 6443. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Survey course examining current issues in health policy that face the nation. Policies are placed in a historical context to show how issues have been influenced by different political and economic conditions. Secondary consequences and limitations of current trends in health policy are explored.

P P ADM 6470 Proseminar in Urban Politics: 3 semester hours

Same as: POL SCI 6470. Examination of the relationship between the social, economic and political systems of urban areas. Urban political structure, patterns of influence, political participation and communication and political change. Special attention to problems of access to and control of urban political systems.

P P ADM 6490 Human Resources in the Public Sector: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6449 and SOC WK 6449. This course presents an overview of personnel and labor relations in the public sector. It places particular emphasis on issues which are unique to the public sector, such as the merit system, the questions of representative bureaucracy, and the constraints of personnel in the nonprofit sector. Course topics may include personnel reforms in the federal sector, equal employment and affirmative action policies, testing, selection, hiring, comparable worth, job evaluation and labor relations, including grievance arbitration and collective bargaining.

P P ADM 6500 Selected Topics in Public Policy Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course is a seminar of selected issues and methods relating to public policy administration. It may be repeated for credit, provided the subject matter is different.

P P ADM 6501 Selected Topics in Nonprofit Management and Leadership: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Permission of instructor may be required. A seminar of selected issues and methods relating to nonprofit management and leadership. May be repeated for credit, provided the subject matter is different.

P P ADM 6550 Strategic and Program Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: 3 semester hours

Same as POL SCI 6490 and SOC WK 6491. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course covers strategic and program planning and its ability to enable an organization to concentrate on efforts and set priorities guided by a mission, vision, and an understanding of its environment. The course focus is on preparing a strategic plan and a program plan for a nonprofit organization and analyzing an organization's ability to deliver goods and/or services to its constituents in today's economic, social, and political climate.

P P ADM 6600 Managing and Leading in Organizations: 3 semester hours

Same as MGMT 5600. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. The theoretical and research contribution of the behavioral sciences to management and administration are examined and applied to selected organizational situations. Areas to be considered from the standpoint of both individual and organizational performance are communication, motivation, conflict, decision-making, goal setting, leadership, organizational design, climate, development and control. Utilizing a systems perspective, the course attempts to develop in each student an ability to analyze and solve organizational problems.

P P ADM 6750 Applied Research Design: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. The course offers a comparative study of research strategies with regard to data sources, data collection, and modes of analysis that are appropriate for program evaluation research. Attention is given to observational, survey, and quasi-experimental methodologies.

P P ADM 6751 Applied Evaluation Project: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: P P ADM 6000 or P P ADM 6010 or P P ADM 6750. This course is an independent study involving an evaluation project with an appropriate public or private or nonprofit agency.

P P ADM 6800 Management Information Systems: 3 semester hours

Same as INFSYS 5800. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course provides an overview of issues related to the management of information systems within organizations. Course topics may include the role of the Chief Information Officer, business value from emergent information technologies (IT), enterprise systems, the impact of IT on organizational competitiveness, managing IT-enabled projects, extracting business intelligence from big data, sourcing IT, cybersecurity, ethics, intellectual property rights, and societal impacts of IT.

P P ADM 6850 E-Governance in the Public Sector: 1 semester hour

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course addresses information technology in the public sector from a managerial perspective. Students will examine basic hardware, software, data, and information management issues from a managerial perspective. These topics may include web portal design, geographic information systems, database management, e-government, strategic design, and the use of information technology to address public policy questions.

P P ADM 6900 Cases in Public Policy Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This capstone course intensively analyzes public policy administration cases drawn from a variety of issues and settings.

P P ADM 6950 Internship: 3 semester hours

Independent study involving work with an appropriate public or private or nonprofit agency.