Studio Art


ST ART 1020 Expanded Artforms: 3 semester hours

This course introduces students to contemporary art theories in practice that include exercises in research, content, material, and form. Projects may include multimedia, performance, installation, and other new genres. Basic computer lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1140 Drawing I (MOTR PERF 105D): 3 semester hours

This course introduces students to observational and technical skills, such as mark making, value scale, line, and shapes that produce the illusion of volumes in space. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1150 2D Design: Surface: 3 semester hours

This course uses tactile and digital methods to introduce students to imaging in black and white, color, and principles of 2D pictorial space. Using a variety of media, students will explore and understand the foundations of visual thinking. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1151 3D Design: Space: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 or consent of instructor. This course introduces students to the fundamentals and technical principles of working three dimensionally. Students will experiment with a number of construction methods and materials used to create, represent, respond to, and reflect on form and space. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2000 Entrepreneurship and the Arts: 3 semester hours

This course will help students interested in the fine and performing arts to develop an idea for an arts organization or product and turn it into a functioning, sustainable enterprise. The course will focus on identifying and defining mission, community relevance, product or event development, services and public programs and organizational management.

ST ART 2010 Design Thinking for the Creative Professional: 3 semester hours

This course is intended for students interested in the socio-cultural and professional implications of artistic creativity and design. Students will investigate the design process, visual analysis, design theories and the global impact of design thinking. Students will learn to critically assess the processes, outcomes and effects of design engagement. Students will explore the concepts of design thinking through hands-on opportunities and small-group design projects.

ST ART 2020 Making Games: Design and Theory: 3 semester hours

This course introduces students to the primary concepts, theory, and practice of game design. Students will encounter the history, systems, and practical process of creating games for play, gamification, and game-based learning/serious games. Students will design, iterate and playtest the mechanics, aesthetics and rules behind different types of games.

ST ART 2074 Special Topics in Studio Art: 3 semester hours

This course addresses selected topics in studio art studies. Basic studio equipment will be arranged for and provided for on-campus delivery or distance delivery as available, though students may need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. It may be repeated for credit with a change of topic.

ST ART 2205 Graphic Design I: 3 semester hours

This course introduces students to graphic design with an emphasis on fundamentals of space, emotion, shape, form, and concept. Projects in design, layout and typography will be addressed. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 1150, Design I. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2210 Typography: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3305 or consent of instructor. Course intends to instill a sense of responsibility relative to typographic and production design, while developing the student's capacity for critical thinking and general typographic rules, visual hierarchy of typographic elements, classical typographic tradition, book design, awareness of typographic aesthetic.

ST ART 2211 Typography II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2210, ST ART 2221, ST ART 3311. This course teaches advanced typographic skills for the graphic designer, including moving type.

ST ART 2220 Computer Design I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 2205, concurrent enrollment in ST ART 3305 recommended. This course introduces students to the use of computer graphics for the creation of artwork applicable to the graphic design industry. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2221 Computer Design II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: ST ART 2220. Designed to familiarize students with the methods processes, software, and computer functions used in graphic design and illustration. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 3310, Graphic Design III. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2225 3D Printing: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1151 or consent of instructor. This course introduces students to the basics of working in a 3D digital/machine-based environment, including scanning, editing and printing 3D objects. Through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on studio practice, students will learn how 3D printers function and about their many applications. Students will learn the fundamentals of thinking and making in three dimensions and apply the learned concepts in engaging hands-on exercises. This course is appropriate for all students, especially those interested in digitally-aided 3D production.

ST ART 2230 Drawing II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1140 or consent of the instructor. This course facilitates the development of drawing skills though continued observation and problems of invention. Student will explore and use varied drawing materials and techniques including graphite, charcoal, conte crayon, and inks. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2231 Figure Drawing I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1140 or consent of instructor. This course involves basic studies of the human form and anatomy in a variety of drawing media. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2233 Introduction to Illustration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1140 or permission of instructor. This course provides a hands-on introduction to current commercial illustration methods and techniques in both digital and analog mediums. Emphasis will be placed on gaining and strengthening artistic and technical skills, developing an understanding of professional objectives (the clients' needs), and creating thoughtful and original responses to illustration projects.

ST ART 2235 Comics and Cartoon Illustration: 3 semester hours

This is a course in creating and appreciating the world of comics and cartoons. Students will investigate and learn the tools and techniques for creating cartoons and cartoon illustrations to create their own cartoons through the use of traditional media and computers. While designed for beginners, experienced artists will be encouraged to perfect their personal styles. The class will create and print its own comic book. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2245 Painting I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1140 and ST ART 1150, or consent of instructor. This course is an introduction to the use of oil and/or acrylic painting media. Students will address studio problems to develop technical and expressive skills on various surfaces. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2252 Printmaking I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 2230, or consent of instructor. This course provides an introduction to printmaking techniques, materials, and theories. The course will include work in a variety of print materials. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2260 Photography I: 3 semester hours

This course is an introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of digital photography, along with photo editing software and printing techniques. Students must provide a digital camera. Basic computer lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2269 Commercial Application in Photo: Photojournalism, Documentary, and Public Relations Photography: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: ST ART 2263 or consent of instructor. Exploration of issues and applications within the field of photojournalism, documentary, and public relations photography. The class will concentrate on a variety of photographic applications focusing on news and editorial imagemaking, as well as training the student in public relations assignments. This class will involve both learning exercises and the creation of original computer-aided photographic art. Students must provide a digital camera. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2270 Ceramics I: 3 semester hours

This course is an introduction to the basic methods and theory of ceramics including work with hand-built construction, wheel techniques and glazing. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2275 Sculpture I: 3 semester hours

This course is an introduction to traditional and contemporary materials, aesthetics, and theories of three-dimensional art. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2278 Introduction to Fibers and Textiles: 3 semester hours

This course provides an exploration of a variety of on- and off-loom weaving and other fiber and textile media and techniques. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2285 Entrepreneurship for the Visual Arts: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 or consent of the instructor. In this course, students will explore ways of establishing, promoting, and sustaining a creative practice. The basics of arts entrepreneurship, which may include marketing, branding, portfolio development, valuing work, and routes to market, are investigated through case studies and practice.

ST ART 2288 Ceramics II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2270. This course is a continuation of ST ART 2270. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2290 Special Study: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing and consent of department and instructor. Independent study through readings, reports or field research. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3074 Special Topics in Studio Art: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Minimum completion of 18 hours in Studio Art. Selected topics in studio studies. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3305 Graphic Design II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150, ST ART 2205. This course is a continuing introduction to graphic design, focusing on developing concepts and design process, typographic systems and layout systems. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2220, Computer Design I. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3310 Graphic Design III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2220, ST ART 3305. The course considers advanced studio problems to further the understanding of design and its relationship to typographic elements, illustration, and communication. The course will encourage both conceptual and technical development of the designer. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2221, Computer Design II. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3311 Graphic Design IV: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2221 and ST ART 3310. This more advanced course further explores studio problems in the graphic arts. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2210, Typography. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3312 Advanced Topics in Graphic Design: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3311 or permission of instructor. Studies of selected topics, which will vary. May be repeated for credit with a different topic, for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3313 Introduction to Motion: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2220 and basic knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator. This course explores the fundamentals of motion design for the graphic designer. Students will learn the basics of animating, using After Effects software. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3315 Image Making for Graphic Design: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3305 or consent of instructor. This course teaches skills of making images and custom type for use in visual communication. Topics covered may include a survey of traditional and experimental illustration techniques with an emphasis on creation of original imagery. The class will explore how hand images are further developed and combined on the computer for use in design; creativity, discovery, and craft are highly emphasized. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3317 Art of 3D Animation II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3316. In this production course, students will work on advanced techniques of animation and the mechanics of spatial graphics software, and will study the storytelling and visual techniques central to creating a successful animated presentation. Each student will produce an animated video presentation during the class. Basic computer lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3320 Advanced Problems in Graphic Design I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3311 or consent of the instructor. This course is focused on professional-level art and portfolio production. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3321 Advanced Problems in Graphic Design II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3320. This course is a continuation of professional-level art and portfolio production. The course includes the preparation of a faculty-reviewed portfolio. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3323 Fundamentals of Researching User Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3322. In this course, students will discover in greater detail the methods for researching user experiences within interactive systems. This will include basic tools like interviews, surveys, and usability studies. The course will demonstrate how to translate user research into personas, use-case scenarios, and functional requirements for software and other uses, such as implementation in marketing and product design. Course work will include readings, research papers, and user research. Basic equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3330 Drawing III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2230 or consent of instructor. This course offers studio problems designed to further the development of drawing skills in various media. Limited color will also be introduced. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3333 Figure Drawing II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2231 or consent of instructor. This course is a continuation of the study of human form and anatomy in a variety of drawing media. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3342 Painting II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2245 or consent of instructor. This course is a continuation of basic studio problems in painting media. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3343 Painting III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 3342 or consent of instructor. The course is an advanced exploration of studio problems in painting media. Attention paid to individual development of theory, expression, and technique. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3344 Watercolor Painting: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 2230 or consent of the instructor. The course explores beginning problems in watercolor painting. Content includes the study of traditional and contemporary approaches to color, color techniques, and treatment of papers. It may be repeated for credit. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3350 Studio Art Internship: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing in studio art and consent of the faculty advisor. The internship provides experience in design firms, professional art studios, or comparable settings. Students will assist professionals in the diverse duties associated with studio art activities. Course assignments may include research assignments and/or reports to be reviewed by the faculty advisor and/or supervisor. May be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.

ST ART 3351 Printmaking II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2252 or consent of instructor. This course is a continuation of introductory printmaking techniques, materials, and theories. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3352 Printmaking: Screenprinting: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2252 or consent of instructor. This course provides an introduction to the techniques, methods, and aesthetics of screenprinting. Studio problems involving uses and approaches will be emphasized. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3354 Printmaking: Lithography: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2252 or consent of instructor. This course provides an introduction to printmaking skills and theory in stone and plate lithography and examines studio problems in the use of materials and equipment. Attention will be given to students' individual development. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3356 Printmaking: Etching: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2252 or consent of instructor. This course is an introduction to printmaking skills and theory of contemporary etching practices. It involves the development of skills and aesthetic judgements in the media using non-toxic etching processes. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3360 Photography II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2260 or consent of instructor. The course is a continued introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of black and white photography and the darkroom. Students must provide a film camera with adjustable speeds and aperture. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3361 Photography III: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: ST ART 3360. An exploration into contemporary theories and trends in photography. Advanced projects, portfolios and techniques will be expected from those enrolled. Basic equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3365 Non-Silver Photography: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2260 or consent of the instructor. This course is an introduction to the aesthetics and techniques of nontraditional photographic processes. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3366 Commercial Applications in Photography: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 2260 or consent of instructor. This course explores issues and applications within the field of commercial photography. Topics may include event photography, product photography, or portrait photography. Techniques of lighting, posing, and studio equipment are discussed. This class involves both learning exercises and the creation of original computer-aided photographic art. Students must provide a digital camera. Basic equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3382 Advanced 2D Practices: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and two 2000 level courses in 2D art practice. This course will afford students the opportunity to continue to explore and develop advanced technical and conceptual strategies in two-dimensional media. This course may be offered with varying themes, and may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3385 Advanced 3D Practices: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1151 and two 2000 level courses in studio art, one of which must be in 3D practice. This course will afford students the opportunity to continue to explore and develop advanced technical and conceptual strategies in three-dimensional media. This course may be offered with varying themes, and may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3390 Special Study: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Junior/senior standing and consent of department chairperson and instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, or field research. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3395 Scale Model Design and Construction: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 1151, ST ART 2270 or ST ART 2275, or consent of instructor. This course covers the art and craft of scale modeling for exhibits, the entertainment industry and architecture. Students in the course will learn the art and craft of scale model building through hands on projects. The course explores different construction methods and methodologies for various industries that use scale models. Construction methods will include molding and casting, 3D printing, styrene construction, plastics, lighting and wood production.

ST ART 4495 Senior Studio Seminar: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Senior standing and four ST ART courses at the 3000 level. This course consists of critiques and discussions of the methods of studio portfolio development, including display, documentation, gallery representation, grant writing and professional preparation. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during Fall Semester.

ST ART 4496 Senior Studio Seminar: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 4495. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in methods of portfolio display, documentation, gallery representation, grant writing, and professional preparation. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during Winter Semester.

ST ART 4497 Senior Seminar in Graphic Design I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 3321. This course consists of critiques and discussions of technical and critical issues during the development of a professional graphic design portfolio. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during Fall Semester. Students must pass the junior portfolio review to enroll.

ST ART 4498 Senior Seminar in Graphic Design II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ST ART 4497. Continuation of ST ART 4497. Will instruct students in the methods of professional preparation. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 5590 Special Study: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Independent study through art making, readings, reports, or field research. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. May be retaken for credit with consent of instructor.