Adult Education


ADULT ED 6230 Adult Learning and Development: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ED PSY 6210 or ED PSY 6111, or ADULT ED 6410. A study of how life stage theories and theories of learning pertain to the adult learner. The research bases of these theories will be explored in relationship to instrudtional practice with adult learners.

ADULT ED 6410 The Adult Learner: 3 semester hours

This course is designed for those who help adults learn in a variety of settings. A study will be made of the characteristics of Adult Learners and various theories of how they learn, as well as the implications of these characteristics and theories for Adult Education Research, Programming, Curriculum, Planning, and Instructional Practice.

ADULT ED 6411 History of Adult Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ADULT ED 6410. In this course the historical foundation of the field of Adult Education in America will be studied. This will include the major theorists and their contributions; together with the continuing education of the adult in a progressive social context.

ADULT ED 6412 Philosophical Foundations of Adult Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ADULT ED 6410 or consent of instructor. A comprehensive, systematic philosophical foundation for adult education. In this course the philosophical underpinnings of the various approaches to the education of adults will be explored. These include the role of the learner, the teacher, and overall objectives within each philosophy.

ADULT ED 6413 Improvement of Instruction in Adult Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: ADULT ED 6410 or consent of instructor. A study of selected methods and instructional techniques appropriate for the teaching of adults. An examination of current research will be made as it relates to the problems of instructing adults.

ADULT ED 6414 Curriculum Theory and Development in Adult Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: ADULT ED 6410 or consent of instructor. A study of curriculum theory and its application to adult education. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of model curricula for various programs in adult education.

ADULT ED 6416 Survey of Adult Distance Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ADULT ED 6410. This course is designed as a survey of distance education covering the concept, theories, history, present practice, delivery systems, major issues and future directions of the field of distance learning. Emphasis is on research and practice in the U.S.; however, since much of the literature in the field has been written by educators in other countries, the course will explore topics and issues in distance education from an international perspective, identifying similarities and differences among countries as they relate to adult learning.

ADULT ED 6417 Multicultural Issues in Adult Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ADULT ED 6410. In this course the learners will discuss cultural diversity from an adult education perspective. Topics include cultural self-awareness, challenges/issues in intercultural educational settings, theoretical perspectives of multicultural education, and practioner concerns and strategies for implementing multiculturalism in adult education settings.

ADULT ED 6418 Assessment in the Adult Classroom: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ADULT ED 6410 and ED REM 6707 or consent of instructor. This course addresses assessing how effectively adult educators are facilitating adult learning. Emphasis will be on knowledge and skills, learner characteristics, and learner reactions to instruction through the use of formative assessment of both student learning and instructional effectiveness in the adult classroom. Special attention will focus this assessment in the adult classroom within educational, corporate, community, and non-formal settings.

ADULT ED 6497 Problems in Adult Education: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: ADULT ED 6410 or consent of instructor. Independent study on topics in adult education.

ADULT ED 6990 Internship: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: ADULT ED 6410 or consent of instructor. Closely supervised experience in a field setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the intern. The internship will include planning, research, evaluation, and related professional activities.