Educational Administration


ED ADM 5626 Theories of Educational Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to EdS program. This course addresses the impact of various theories of educational administration on district-level leadership. It emphasizes communication theory, motivation theory, leadership theory and organizational change theory.

ED ADM 5627 Advanced Education Supervision: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to EdS program. The course focuses on supervision from the district perspective of school administration. It emphasizes effective supervision of school principals, school programs, and school curriculum. This is a seminar class with a focus on practical application of supervision practices. The overall outcome of this class is developing leaders who will lead high performing school districts.

ED ADM 6205 Legal Contexts of Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: ED ADM 6201 (may be taken concurrently), or consent of instructor. This course is a critical examination of both (1) local, state, and federal laws and (2) Western notions of justice within which education policies are constituted and their concomitant practices implemented.

ED ADM 6301 Education Policy Analysis: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This graduate level course provides an introduction to education policy issues. Additionally, the course provides an overview of the tools and skills necessary to conduct policy analysis and research. The focus of the course is on PK-Post Secondary education policy in the United States.

ED ADM 6305 School District Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Enrollment in Advanced Certification Program and/ or consent of instructor. Course focuses on current research about school district administration; also deals with major central office issues including: board/superintendent relations, central office organization, the function and authority of assistant superintendents and program directors, and the administrative team approach to school district administration.

ED ADM 6306 Special Education Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of graduate degree in Special Education, Education Administration or consent of instructor. A study of organizational issues in special education and implications for practices and procedures. Specific attention will be given to special education delivery systems, compliance standards, funding sources, and regulatory standards.

ED ADM 6307 Integrated Curriculum for Special Education Administrators: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Development of skills to understand, supervise and evaluate the integration and differentiation of curriculum. Intended for special education administrators.

ED ADM 6402 School Personnel Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and/or consent of instructor. This course is a comprehensive, systematic study of problems in planning, recruitment, selection, induction, and retention relative to school personnel.

ED ADM 6403 Problems in School Public Relations: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and/or consent of instructor. This course is an examination of a range both traditional and critical perspectives relevant to home-school-community relations.

ED ADM 6424 Educational Leadership: Superintendent as Instructional Leader: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to EdS program. This course reviews the theoretical and conceptual knowledge of advanced research-based instructional practices, instructional improvement strategies, curriculum leadership, student and adult learning, and evaluation. The course builds essential knowledge in related topics and develop the capacity to apply that knowledge effectively in the school setting.

ED ADM 6435 Superintendent: Legal Leadership and Management: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the EdS program. Superintendents must guide their school districts in adherence to statutory and case law, the lawful and wise use and allocation of district resources, management and evaluation of personnel, and equity issues. This course introduces to two areas of significant responsibility for superintendents: (1) education law and (2) state and federal regulations. Through readings, course assignments, and discussions, students will examine the legal system, school law, finance, personnel, and equity policies that govern public schools in the United States and the state of Missouri.

ED ADM 6445 Character Education and Development: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course is a critical survey of theories of character development and models for character education in childhood and adolescence. The course includes empirical and conceptual study of the nature of moral character, how it develops, and how it can be fostered in schools.

ED ADM 6450 Advanced Methods in Character Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course is an advanced exploration of methods for promoting character development in schools: class meetings, democratic processes, cross-age learning, and character curriculum development. Methods are critically examined for their empirical and theoretical justifications.

ED ADM 6497 Problems: 1-10 semester hours


ED ADM 6501 Principles of Public School Finance in Missouri: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Advanced graduate standing and/or consent of instructor. Course is designed to analyze and study critical areas of public school finance at the local and state levels, highlighting the role of such factors as legislative procedures, principles of local and state support, budgeting and accounting procedures, assessment of property, etc.

ED ADM 6502 School Buildings and Sites: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Advanced graduate standing and/or consent of instructor. This course deals with methods and procedures for (1) projecting the future building and facility needs of a public school district, (2) supervising actual planning and construction of educational facilities, (3) optimizing the use of current facilities, and (4) maintenance of buildings, grounds, and equipment.

ED ADM 6701 Leadership for Equity: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Exploration of the concepts of leadership. Instructional activities include creating a personal philosophy of leadership and education and examining leadership in different contexts such as learning organizations, volunteer groups, crisis-response, hierarchical vs. democratic as well as education organizations.

ED ADM 6702 Supervision in Education Organizations: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course explores the transition challenges in implementation of the Missouri Learning Standards. It emphasizes effective supervision of observed instruction in multiple subject areas along with actionable methods of improvement. Also explored are the techniques used to conduct difficult conversations regarding practice.

ED ADM 6704 Data-Driven Instruction and Team Leadership I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: B- or better in ED ADM 6701. Preparation to use data as an asset in building high performance in schools, as an analytic tool, and a means of continuous measurement. Significant emphasis upon team building techniques and the use of data. Taken concurrently with ED ADM 6705.

ED ADM 6705 School Culture I: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. This course is an exploration of candidates' personal philosophy of education and underlying belief structure. Topics include race and class issues, educational inequities, challenges to and strategies for building community support, and practice in engaging in "courageous" conversations.

ED ADM 6708 School Culture II: Equity and Cultural Competence: 2 semester hours

Prerequisite: B- or better in ED ADM 6701. Acquisition and application of strategies for effectively supporting student social and emotional learning, increasing student voice, and engaging families, as well as systems and structures for creating equitable opportunities for students.

ED ADM 6711 Data-Driven Instruction and Team Leadership II: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: B- or better in ED ADM 6708. Study of a cycle of data collection strategies, analysis and interpretation, all leading to actionable steps supporting teachers in the use of data as a professional tool to improve learning. Uses data from the residency site.

ED ADM 6712 Management of Organizational Systems: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: B- or better in ED ADM 6708. This course reviews the operational systems that provide for effective management of school operations. The course includes the study and analysis of safety, budgets, and staffing.

ED ADM 6713 Residency II: 2 semester hours

Prerequisites: B- or better in ED ADM 6710. Continuation of ED ADM 6710 Residency I. See ED ADM 6710 for the course description. ED ADM 6713 is taken in conjunction with ED ADM 6711 and ED ADM 6712.

ED ADM 6714 K-12 School Administration: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Admission to the MEd in education administration program or graduate standing. This course is a comprehensive, systematic study of the elementary, middle, and secondary school principalship. Emphasis is placed on relating theories of learning, teaching, and organization to effective administration of elementary and secondary schools.

ED ADM 6717 Instructional Coaching for K-12 Teacher Leaders: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of at least three credit hours of the University of Missouri-St Louis Teacher Leader Certificate Program or consent of instructor. This course is a comprehensive and systematic study of K-12 instructional coaching. Candidates develop understanding of instructional coaching through writing, discussion, and group collaboration. Candidates learn facilitative, dialogical, and directive coaching approaches. Candidates implement the three coaching methods through a collaborative coaching relationship with a K-12 classroom teachers that includes goal setting, modeling, and observation in order to positively impact student achievement.

ED ADM 6900 Internship: 1-10 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Closely supervised experience in a field setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the intern. The internship will include planning, research, evaluation, and related professional activities.

ED ADM 6901 K-12 School Principal Clinical Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. This course is a closely supervised experience in a clinical setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the candidate. The clinical experience will include planning, research, evaluation, reflection, and related professional activities. It will include the required number of hours in both the candidate's major area (at least 250 hours) and minor area (at least 50 hours) for a total of 300 clinical experience hours. Major and minor areas refer to elementary or secondary level. The candidate will be required to take this course twice (two consecutive semesters) for a total of 6 hours, which encompasses 300 hours of clinical experience in both the major and minor areas.

ED ADM 6902 School Principal Clinical Experience: Supplemental: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. This supplemental clinical experience course for school principals is a closely supervised experience in a clinical setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the candidate. The clinical experience will include planning, research, evaluation, reflection, and related professional activities and will include the number of clinical hours required for certification.

ED ADM 6903 Superintendent Clinical Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. This clinical experience course for superintendents is a closely supervised experience in a clinical setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the candidate. The clinical experience includes planning, research, evaluation, reflection, and related professional activities and includes the number of clinical hours required for certification.

ED ADM 6904 Special Education Director Field Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 credit hours in either the MEd or EdS in Education Administration programs or consent of the instructor. Closely supervised experience in a field setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the intern. The internship will include planning, research, evaluation, and related professional activities.

ED ADM 6905 Private School Leadership Field Experience: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 credit hours in either the MEd or EdS in Education Administration programs or consent of the instructor. Closely supervised experience in a field setting under the direction of a graduate faculty member. An appropriate level of competence and evidence of growth in the professional role must be demonstrated by the intern. The internship will include planning, research, evaluation, and related professional activities. This section is recommended for individuals who do not plan to seek certification as a public school principal.