Physical Education


PHY ED 1124 Principles and Practice in 1st Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: 1 semester hour

The course provides theory and supervised practice in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation leading to American Red Cross certification in those areas.

PHY ED 2134 Personal Physical Fitness: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A study of the relationship between vigorous physical activity and individual well-being. Emphasis will be placed on an individualized analysis of health fitness, resulting in a prescribed program to develop optimal levels of physical fitness, including aerobic fitness, strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and lifetime sports considerations.

PHY ED 2136 Facilities Management: 3 semester hours

This course will introduce the process of designing and maintaining facilities typically found in recreational environments. Emphasis will be placed on management theories, risk management, facility maintenance, operation and administration of various recreation facilities.

PHY ED 3204 Special Topics in Physical Education: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, field study or research.

PHY ED 3261 Physical Activity for Diverse Learners: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: SPEC ED 3318. A study of the special physical activity and exercise needs, interests, and challenges of diverse learners in modifying physical education, with considerable emphasis on the development of methods and competencies.

PHY ED 3267 Performance Analysis in Physical Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: College level math. A study of quantitative and qualitative approaches, processes and instruments used in assessing student progress in physical education activities. Emphasis will be given to the application of statistical methods to the results of evaluations of human motor performance and the interpretation of those results as well as to the construction and administration of measurement instruments.

PHY ED 3282 Physical Growth and Motor Development: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: PSYCH 2270 and PHY ED 3465. An examination of the physical growth and aging, and motor development of the human being over the life span. Emphasis on evaluative tools, techniques and studies of research findings. Laboratory field experience for observing individuals. Attention Is directed toward acquisition of basic skills, perceptual-motor development, fitness development, and age-related changes in information processing. A Required course for Physical Education majors; an elective course for early childhood, special, and Elementary Education majors.

PHY ED 3283 Kinesiology: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: HLTH PE 3280 and math proficiency. Study of the biomechanics of human motion with particular application to performance in sport activities.

PHY ED 3287 Seminar in Exercise Science: 1-3 semester hours

Prerequisites: HLTH PE 3284 or consent of instructor. Study of current topics in the research and practice of exercise science, especially those required for certifications in the field. An emphasis will be placed on application of research to professional situations. Some field experience may be required. May be repeated as long as the topic is different for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

PHY ED 3330 Designing Physical Activity Programs: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: HLTH PE 3284 or consent of instructor. Designing physical activity regimes for individualized and group programming based upon physical fitness assessment. Health, nutrition, age, physical fitness, and testing aspects are considered in developing specialized exercise programming based upon current research and best practices.

PHY ED 3422 Teaching of Skills: Grades Pk-4: 4 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 hours of level II requirements. Study of developmental movement activities and appropriate learning experiences found in PK-4 grade level programs, with emphasis on developmental sequencing and the design of appropriate learning activities, materials, and effective pedagogical skills.

PHY ED 3423 Teaching of Skills: Grades 5-9: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 hours of Level II courses. Study of sports and physical activities commonly found in the curriculum for grades 5-9, with emphasis on critical cues analysis, developmental sequencing, and the design of appropriate learning activities, materials, and pedagogical skills.

PHY ED 3424 Teaching of Skills: Grades 9-12: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 hours of Level II requirements. Study of sport and physical activities predominately found in physical education programs at these grade levels, with emphasis given to critical cue analysis, developmental sequencing, and the design of appropriate learning activities, materials, and pedagogical skills.

PHY ED 3425 Teaching Skills: Movement, Dance, and Rhythms: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of 15 credit hours of Level II requirements. Study of movement analysis and techniques of teaching fundamental movement skills, rhythmic activities, creative movement, and dance forms commonly taught in school settings. Emphasis will be given to developmental sequencing and the design of appropriate learning activities, materials, and pedagogical skills.

PHY ED 3468 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Physical Education: 3 semester hours

This course Studies the scope and sequence of the school program in physical education with emphasis on planning processes, content selection, management procedures, instructional strategies, and program assessment.

PHY ED 3931 Adult Exercise Leadership: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: HLTH PE 3284 or equivalent. Study of the roles, functions, and skills necessary for those entering careers that promote fitness and regular exercise in adults.

PHY ED 5380 Nutrition for Human Performance: 3 semester hours

A study of human nutrition and its relationship to human performance. Consideration is given to nutrients - function, food source, health concerns, and implications to energy intake and expenditure; special considerations - body composition, including weight gain and loss, ergogenic aids, competitive athletes, older adults, children and teens, pregnant women, disease risk, fluid and electrolyte balance, and specific sport activities.

PHY ED 6462 The Physical Education Curriculum: 3 semester hours

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A study of current practices, problems, trends and research involved in the analysis and development of the physical education curriculum.

PHY ED 6464 Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. A study of trends and research relating to teaching methodology, supervision of instruction, and classroom management in physical education. Emphasis will be placed on the application of research in best instructional practices and teacher effectiveness in physical education.

PHY ED 6478 Problems and Research in Physical Education: 3 semester hours

A study of potential research problems and research processes in specific physical education subdisciplines. A research project will be completed in the student's physical education subdiscipline interest area.

PHY ED 6485 Theory of Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management: 3 semester hours

Prerequisites: Completion of PHY ED 6484 or equivalent. A study of the effects of exercise on the basic epidemiology, physiology, and management of unavoidable and avoidable cardiovascular risk factors. Special attention will be given to the examination of the effect of exercise in the management of cardiovascular disease risk.

PHY ED 6497 Problems: 1-10 semester hours

Selected problems to meet the needs of individual students.

PHY ED 7492 Directed Readings in Curriculum and Instruction: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing, one graduate course in Curriculum and Instruction, and consent of instructor. Independent study into the current research, literature, and issues in the areas of physical education curriculum and instruction.

PHY ED 7494 Directed Readings in Motor Behavior: 1-6 semester hours

Prerequisites: Graduate standing, one graduate course in motor behavior, and permission of the instructor. Independent study into the current research, literature, and issues in the area of motor behavior.