Economics Minor
Candidates for a minor in economics must take a minimum of 15 hours in economics.
The following courses are required:
ECON 1001 | Principles of Microeconomics (MOTR ECON 102) | 3 |
ECON 1002 | Principles of Macroeconomics (MOTR ECON 101) | 3 |
For the remaining 9 hours, 3 hours must be at or above the 2000 level and 6 hours must be at or above the 3000 level. It is recommended that students take ECON 3001, Intermediate Economic Theory: Microeconomics and/or ECON 3002, Intermediate Economic Theory: Macroeconomics. ECON 3100, Economic Statistics, cannot be counted towards the economics minor if the student has also taken SCMA 3300 or the equivalent.
A GPA of 2.0 or better is required for courses presented for the minor. The satisfactory/ unsatisfactory (s/u) option may be applied to ECON 1001 and only.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply the concepts of choice and opportunity cost to basic situations involving scarcity, and be able to clearly identify feasible choices.
- Understand supply, demand, and how markets operate and be able to identify welfare outcomes for consumers and producers.
- Understand the determination of the growth and short-run fluctuations of an economy.
- Appraise how government policies, monetary policies and fiscal policies in particular, affect output, unemployment, inflation and growth.