Anthropology Minor

Minor Requirements

All required courses for the minor must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Six hours must be taken at the 3000 level or above.  At least three elective credits at any level must be selected from the list of Cultural Anthropology courses, and at least three elective credits must be selected from the list of Archaeology courses below. Other relevant UMSL courses may be included as electives with prior approval of the program coordinator.

ANTHRO 1005Introduction to Human Evolution4
Cultural Anthropology Courses
Choose one of the following:3
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (MOTR ANTH 201)
The Body in Culture
World Cultures and History
Sex and Gender Across Cultures
Medicine in Culture and History
Past, Present, and Future of Pandemics
Zombies, Vampires, and Monsters: The Supernatural in Popular Culture
Archeology Courses
Choose one of the following:3
World Archaeology
Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization
The Wonders of Greece: Introduction to Greek History and Culture
Archaeological Field School
Myths and Monuments
Medicine and Disease in the Ancient World
Advanced Topics in Archaeology
China's Rise: From the Opium Wars to Global Superpower
The Archaeology of Death
Two ANTHRO courses at 3000 or above6
Total Hours16