Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate

Degree Requirements

Required Foundation Courses

Students are required to complete the following courses within the first 15 hours of study.

SPEC ED 6641Basic Principles and Concepts of Behavior Analysis3
SPEC ED 6642Behavior Assessment3
SPEC ED 6643Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis3
Total Hours9

Required Courses 

Students are required to complete the following courses.

SPEC ED 6644Behavior Interventions in Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPEC ED 6645Ethics and Professionalism in Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPEC ED 6646Verbal Behavior Concepts and Applications3
SPEC ED 6647Advanced Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis3
SPEC ED 6648Behavior-Based Consultation and Supervision3
Total Hours15

Required Practicum Courses 

Through the course of five semesters, students are required to completed practicum courses in order to accrue the minimal hours of supervised experience required by the BACB to qualify for the BCBA exam.

SPEC ED 6651Practicum I in Applied Behavior Analysis2
SPEC ED 6652Practicum II in Applied Behavior Analysis2
SPEC ED 6653Practicum III in Applied Behavior Analysis 2
SPEC ED 6654Practicum IV in Applied Behavior Analysis2
SPEC ED 6655Practicum V in Applied Behavior Analysis2
Total Hours10