Computer Programming Undergraduate Certificate


The undergraduate certificate in Computer Programming is a five-course (15 credit hour) program. It is designed to provide a quick, yet broad training in technologies leading to secure and interesting careers in computer programming or education. Students majoring or minoring in Computer Science may not earn this certificate. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for admission.

A minimum of three courses must be taken from UMSL. Courses may be substituted with the permission of the certificate coordinator. For more information, students can contact the department chair or email

Required Courses
CMP SCI 1250Introduction to Computing3
CMP SCI 2250Programming and Data Structures3
CMP SCI 2261Object-Oriented Programming3
Choose two of the following courses:6
Computer Organization and Architecture
Linux Environment and Programming
Web Full Stack Development
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Introduction to Cyber Threats and Defense
Web Development with Java
Web Development with Advanced JavaScript
Introduction to Android Apps: Android Fundamentals
Python for Scientific Computing and Data Science
Introduction to iOS Programming and Apps
iOS Apps
Database Management Systems
Developing Business Applications in .NET
Total Hours15