Creative Writing MFA
The application process is identical to that for the master of arts degree, with these exceptions: there is one annual deadline for all applications, Feb. 15; a writing sample is required (15-20 poems or 20-40 pages of fiction); the GRE test is required only if the applicant seeks financial aid or a teaching assistantship. In addition to the Graduate School requirements, students must complete at least 39 hours, 30 of which must be in 5000-level courses. Nine hours may be taken in 4000-level courses approved by the department and Graduate School. Students will specialize in one genre, poetry or fiction. They must complete the following course work: 15 hours of workshops, three hours of literary journal editing (ENGL 5190), 3 hours of either ENGL 5170 or ENGL 5180 depending on specialization (fiction writers take ENGL 5170 and poets take ENGL 5180), 3 hours thesis (ENGL 6000). Total designated hours, 24. Any of the following can make up the remaining 15 hours, but we especially recommend the first three:
- ENGL 5180 for fiction writers and ENGL 5170 for poets, the opposite of the students’ specialization.
- A contemporary literature class offered by the MFA program or the MA program
- A composition theory course, recommended mainly for those who want to teach later
- another workshop
- ENGL 5190, literary journal editing, a second time
- Any other graduate level class in literature, linguistics, or composition offered by the Department of English
- 5200-MFA readings course, or an independent study-IF you can find someone to work with you.
- Up to 3 (9 hours) of 4000 level undergrad lit or linguistics classes offered by the Department of English, recommended especially for those without an English background.
- One three hour class outside the Department of English, at least a 4000 level, and with all needed permissions from both departments that will enhance the student’s writing.
Complete information may be found in The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, available from the English department.