Data Science Graduate Certificate


The graduate certificate in Data Science is a four-course (12 credit hour) program. It provides skills, both statistical and computational, and technologies for the growing and popular fields involving data science and analysis. All students must take two required courses and two electives. 

A minimum of three courses must be taken from UMSL.  A maximum of two courses can be used from the 4000-level.  Courses may be substituted with the permission of the certificate coordinator. For more information, students can contact the department chair or email

Required Courses
CMP SCI 4200Python for Scientific Computing and Data Science3
CMP SCI 5340Machine Learning3
CMP SCI 5342Data Mining3
Elective Courses3
Choose one of the following:
Database Management Systems
Statistical Methods for Data Science
Biological Data Science
Deep Learning
Data Visualization
Exploratory Data Analysis with R
Bayesian Statistical Methods
Total Hours12