East Asian Studies Undergraduate Certificate


HIST 1043Topics in East Asian History and Culture3
FGN LANG 2100Languages and World View3
Select one course in three of the following areas:9
Art and Art History
Introduction to the Art and Visual Cultures of Asia
Business Administration
Business in China
International Business and Society (when offered as a Japanese Study Tour)
Maiko, Maids, and Masako: Women in Japanese Cultural History
Food and Drink in Japan: A Cultural History
Ghosts, Goblins, and Godzillas
China's Rise: From the Opium Wars to Global Superpower
Visual and Material Culture of Japan
Korea: History, Culture, and Cinema
Asian Philosophy
Japanese Courses
Practicum in East Asian Calligraphy
Anime Nation: Popular Culture in Japan
Kanji: A Radical Approach
Special Readings
Special Topics in Japanese Culture
Topics in Japanese Culture
Readings in Japanese
Special Readings
Total Hours15