Educational Psychology MEd

The Department of Education Sciences and Professional Programs provides training in the theory, research, and practice of the psychological mechanisms underlying teaching, learning, and human development of students as well as the related school processes and structures. The department also specializes in educational research, psychoeducational assessment, and school psychology.

The M.Ed. in Educational Psychology is a flexible degree that allows candidates to tailor the program curriculum to meet individual interests and career goals. The degree is not associated with any particular position or career; rather it is intended to enhance current performance in a variety of educational and community-based settings and roles, to facilitate advancement within one's current position, and to prepare candidates for other advanced degrees in education or psychology. The M.Ed. in Educational Psychology degree consists of 30 hours of graduate coursework in the following areas:

A. Educational and Psychological Foundations (15 hours)

B. Electives (12 hours)

C. Capstone Experience (3 hours)

The foundations courses consist of 6 hours of study regarding the educational and psychological foundations, 3 hours of human development, and 6 hours of educational research and evaluation methods. The specific courses chosen within each category, the electives, and capstone experience will vary according to the candidate’s interests.

Admissions Requirements

Admissions requirements include an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher, a completed UMSL Graduate School Application Form, official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, a statement of purpose, and a curriculum vitae.

Curriculum (30 hours)

Educational and Psychological Foundations
Choose two of the following:6
Instruction, Learning, and Assessment
Educational Psychology
Foundations Of School Psychology 1
Human Development3
Choose one of the following:
Life-Span: Individual and Family Development
Psychology of Early Childhood Development
Advanced Studies in Child and Adolescent Development
Mental Health and Development of Children and Youth
Understanding the Psychosocial Development of Emerging Adults
Educational Research and Evaluation Methods6
Choose two of the following:
Educational Research Methods and Design
Academic Assessment and Intervention
Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention 1
Educational Program Development and Evaluation
Statistical Analysis for Education Research
Advanced Research Design In Education
Teacher Action Research I
12 Hours of graduate-level courses in any combination of the following curricular areas:
Educational Foundations (ED FND)
Educational Psychology (ED PSY)
Educational Research and Evaluation Methods (ED REM)
Educational Technology (ED TECH)
Other curricular areas (with consent of advisor, maximum of 6 hours) 2
Capstone Experience3
Choose one of the following:
Advanced Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention 1
Advanced Educational Program Development and Evaluation
Teacher Action Research Capstone 3
Total Hours30
Admission to School Psychology Program required.

Up to 6 hours from other disciplines may be chosen in consultation with an advisor.


TCH ED 6909, Teacher Action Research I is a prerequisite for TCH ED 6910, Teacher Action Research Capstone.