Global Health and Social Medicine Minor


Select one of the following 1000-level courses:3-4
Introduction to Human Evolution
The Body in Culture
Human Physiology and Anatomy I
Select one of the following 1000 or 2000 level courses:3
ANTHRO/HIST 1021The Body in Culture 13
Medicine in Culture and History
Nutrition in Health
Food and Drink in Japan: A Cultural History
Aging in America: Concepts & Controversies
Alcohol, Drugs and Society
Health and Society
Select two of the following 3000-4000 level elective courses:6
Medicine and Disease in the Ancient World
The Archaeology of Death
The Social Construction of Aging and Ageism
Social Mapping for Change
Select one of the following courses:3
Community Based Research in Anthropology
Qualitative Methods in Social Research
Applied Social Research
Total Hours18-19

If not taken above.

Students may substitute the above courses with other courses upon approval by the advisor of the minor program. All required courses for the minor must be completed with a grade of C- or better.