Internet and Web Graduate Certificate


The graduate certificate in Internet and Web is a four‐course (12 credit‐hour) program. It is designed to provide broad training in web technologies on both the client and server sides, including various stack architectures and frameworks, recent technologies such as REST, and trends such as microservices. All students must take three required courses and one elective, subject to the Graduate School regulations.

A minimum of three courses must be taken from UMSL. A maximum of two courses can be used from the 4000‐level. Courses may be substituted with the permission of the certificate coordinator.

Required Core Courses
CMP SCI 4010Web Development with Java3
CMP SCI 4011Web Development with Advanced JavaScript3
CMP SCI 5012Enterprise Microservice Development3
Choose one of the following:
Android Apps: Android Fundamentals
Intelligent Web
Mobile Computing, Networking, and Security
Cloud Computing
Total Hours12