Mechanical Engineering Minor


Admission to the Joint Engineering program is required. A minimum of 19 credit hours in Joint Mechanical Engineering and Engineering courses are required.

Required Courses
ENGR 2310Statics3
ENGR 2320Dynamics3
J M ENGR 2410Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
Choose at least one of the following four options for an additional 10 credit hours:10
Option 1
Material Science for J M ENGR
Any other two J M ENGR courses for 6 credit hours
Option 2
Fluid Mechanics
Principles of Heat Transfer
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Option 3
Fluid Mechanics
Principles of Heat Transfer
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Option 4
Dynamic Response of Physical Systems
Dynamic Response Laboratory
Any other J M ENGR course for 7 credit hours
Total Hours19